Title: The Cosmology of a Sociopath
sporkyadrasteiaWord Count: 96
Warning: Character death
Challenge: #106 ρ
The universe thrums and Azula is at its center, bending spark and fire.
The universe is erratic and Azula smiles, sculpting empires in the palm of her hand.
The universe spins into chaos and Azula welcomes the madness, invites it to burrow into her brain. Her fingers crackle with power.
The universe expands and Azula follows suit. The world trembles at the twitch of her lips.
But the universe collapses too and consumes Azula in the licking flames.
The universe is quiet.
The Avatar stumbles back, horrified, from the charred and curled remains of the princess.
A/N: Okay, well I was thinking about this prompt while I was in physics class and I suddenly thought, "What if Azula were the universe?" and then "Is spontaneous combustion possible in the Avatar-verse?"
And then, in the middle of class, ignoring my professor's lecture on, um, x-rays and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, I started writing the drabble in my physics notebook. XD