Title: Meet Me In The Dream Of This Hard Land
adrenalin211Characters/Pairings: Kate/Sawyer pairing, Juliet, Jack (mentions of Claire, Hurley, Locke)
Rating: Adult content
Summary: Kate and Sawyer, snippets throughout seasons 1-4
Word Count: 1,700ish, give or take
Author’s notes: Under the cut
Wasn’t nobody on the island more like him than Kate )
Comments 24
Um. No Lost icon. Shocking. Jack and Renee FTW!
YAY. Thanks for all of your help with the cutting and thanks for familiarizing me with that yet again. You know once I got it to have a space in it it posted in LJ as double spaced? And I had to delete one? Yeah. No clue. I hate the new word with such a passion.
Thanks bb! Oh look. Maybe I should get more than one Lost icon. In case people actually respond to this.
I really love Sawyer's first internal monologue, about how he went from only focusing on himself and on survival and Kate being just a pretty face to realizing that he and Kate had a lot more of a connection, and that there "wasn’t nobody on the island more like him than Kate."
Kate resting her chin on Sawyer's shoulder was so cute! And I love the description of him feeling like "muscle and strong pulse." I also loved this line: "She tries to concentrate on the bandage but his eyes are something you can’t steer clear of." The way you phrased that was epic.
The way he looks at her makes her think she’s the only person on this island he ( ... )
Yeah, wasn't her 24 fic AMAZING? I don't know how she did that! Gah. I want to be her when I write. Or leigh57
I'm so glad you enjoyed this, even though you don't watch! Thanks SO much for picking out what you liked and letting me know what worked for you. Particularly BECAUSE you don't watch, the fact that you even had a clue what was going on was helpful knowledge and made me feel slightly better about this. Lol.
Also? You're so sweet to read this and take the time to comment when you obviously don't care about the characters... not knowing them and all. LOL.
Anyway. Thanks so much. &hearts
I love: "she knew a thing or two about gettin' justice," "starchy shirt collar", her pressing on the gauze and his eyelids catching weight, them sharing the beans and how he just gives them over to her, that whole scene with them in the cages but mostly "we're still prisoners tomorrow" just KILLS ME, him "carrying the idea around on his back" and the idea that she got what she came for (YES), the whole last line being so terrifyingly haunting, THE FACT THAT YOU WROTE THIS AT ALL. Really. Thank you so much.
You are so awesome and it makes me SO so so happy that you liked this so much. I'm so glad I could return the favor for how MUCH you made me squee with the 24 fic you did.
Again, thanks so much for being my canon go-to-gal (even though this was for you) and thank you for generally being a wonderful writer and friend who I can learn a lot from. I hope you know that I am here for you in your latest writing endeavor if you want to freak out or melt down or be antsy and anxious or discuss writing!things. I am HERE. Know that.
Not that I do, either, but I think I've seen most of the episodes covered in this.
Really, really, well done. century_fox covered all my favourite parts. I'm always amazed when people can write that poetic Southern-drawl kind of image-filled dialogue and not sound corny, and you nailed it.
Also, as to the comment on the Southern drawl: thank you! I didn't know what I was doing, but I'm so glad it worked for you!
Yep. That says it all.
This was lovely.
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