The story continues down a darker path and the relationship gets more intricate... (Beware of spoilers if you haven't seen the movie!)
Roy: I’m sorry I shouted at you. I was angry.
Alexandria: No problem.
Roy: Are you trying to save my soul?
Alexandria: Hm?
Roy: Are you trying to save my soul?
Alexandria: What?
Roy: That thing you gave me…it saves your soul. Are you worried about me?
Alexandria: What?
Roy: It saves your soul. Do you know what “soul” means?
Alexandria: No.
Roy: It’s like strength.
Alexandria: Why he speaks like this?
Roy: Because he's your father.
Alexandria: But my father is dead.
Roy: What? Okay, how do you want me...How do you want him to speak?
Alexandria: Normal, like you.
This movie is just too gorgeous!
Roy: Can you read English?
Alexandria: Yeah.
Roy: What’s this?
Alexandria: Paper.
Roy: No. What’s this?
Alexandria: M-o-r-p-h- three.
Roy: What’s that?
Alexandria: Three.
Roy: That’s good. I’m having a hard time sleeping and I can’t remember that story. I need some pills. I need pills in a bottle that has this written on them.
Alexandria: M-o-r-p-h-i-n-three?
Roy: Yes.
Roy: Did you get what I sent you for?
Alexandria: Yes. This it is.
Roy: Yeah? There’s only three in here.
Alexandria: You asked me for three.
Roy: No, I asked you for a full bottle.
Alexandria: But you wrote…
Roy: Was this bottle full of pills?
Alexandria: M-o-r-p-h-i-n-three…
Roy: Were there more pills in here?
Alexandria: Yeah.
Roy: What did you do with them?
Alexandria: I throw them in toilet. But I throw them away cause you wrote m-o-r-p-h-i-n-three. Will they help you sleep?
Roy: A nap perhaps.
It's hard to like Roy when he's trying to get a naive little girl to help him commit suicide, but at the same time we have to understand that both his heart and body are broken and he just wants a way out. Using Alexandria to do so is still unacceptable though.
Alexandria: Why the mask again?
Roy: He doesn’t want to scare her. She doesn’t know anything about him, but he knew everything about her. The color of her eyes.
Alexandria: Brown.
Roy: Her favorite food.
Alexandria: Orange?
Roy: Her favorite book.
Alexandria: Bible.
Sister Evelyn: Who, may I ask, are you?
The Masked Bandit: To most I am known as the Masked Bandit.
Sister Evelyn: The Scourge of the Southeast?
The Masked Bandit: That’s the one. But that’s only when I wear the mask.
Roy: She turned from the masked bandit and she said…
Sister Evelyn: May I be frank with you?
The Masked Bandit: Of course.
Sister Evelyn: Although I’ve dedicated my life to God and goodness I secretly love throwing oranges at our priest.
Roy: Take two turns to the left and go to the bathroom.
Alexandria: No, you read my note!
Roy: What are you talking about? Go to the bathroom!
Alexandria: Noo. How do you know about the priest and the orange?
Roy: Everybody knows you like throwing oranges at the priest. Even the priest knows, but I didn’t find that out from your gibberish message.
Alexandria: It’s not gibberish!
This part had me cracking up. I loved how they interwove the story and reality in this humorous way.
Alexandria: I made this for you.
Roy: Who’s in the mask?
Alexandria: You in the wheelchair.
Roy: It’s beautiful. I’ll keep in forever.
Alexandria: I hope I never get better.
Roy: Why?
Alexandria: Because I want to stay here with you.
Alexandria: Make them kiss!
Roy: No, I don’t want to make ‘em kiss.
Alexandria: Why?
Roy: Because what they’re about to find out…
[Back in the story]
Luigi: She should have not come with us.
The Masked Bandit: Why?
Luigi: It is too dangerous. If we are captured, Governor Odious will surely kill her.
Sister Evelyn: You mentioned Odious?
The Masked Bandit: He is my sworn enemy.
Sister Evelyn: And my fiancé. *faints*
Luigi: [Reading Sister Evelyn’s locket] “My dearest daughter, never marry for money, fame, power or security. Always follow your heart. Your ever-loving father.”
The Masked Bandit: It says all that on that little locket?
Luigi: Si.
Roy: And he knew that she was the woman he was supposed to love.
Alexandria: Please. Please. Now they can kiss-kiss?
Roy: Yes. But first, marriage. And then they can kiss.
Darwin: You’ve taken too many pills. Death is near.
Roy: The stony-faced priest had betrayed them.
Alexandria: And then they were saved?
Roy: No. There was no one left to save them.
The Masked Bandit: My daughter?
The Masked Bandit’s Daughter: Yes! You recognize me.
The Masked Bandit: Yeah. My daughter from a previous marriage.
The Masked Bandit’s Daughter: Yes.
The Masked Bandit: I didn’t recognize you because you have teeth. You must be stronger now.
Alexandria/The Masked Bandit’s Daughter: Not the time to sleep now. Not the time to sleep. It’s not time to sleep. Wake up. It’s not time to sleep now. Wake up. Don’t pretend to sleep. Not the time to sleep.
Ugh, so sad! Damn you Roy and your persistence.
To Be Continued!
Part III is now up.