The one on the
right is the coloring I'd like to get. I'll be looking into this more seriously in the next few days. The coloring of the
Royal Python that I'd like is called the "Desert Ghost" morph. Pretty cool looking.
Although, if I don't end up getting a snake that can live upwards of 30-40 years, the pet store apparently also has
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Comments 6
To Sam: The Spider has a natural defense. When it feels threatened it makes a hissing sound by rubbing it's hind legs against it's abdomen. A side effect of this is that it rubs the hair off of it's abdomen in the process, which then get into the air. People that have witnessed this say it is highly irritable to the skin and eyes, and if inhaled it's described like having shards of fiber glass in your lungs. I'm gonna have to guess that's not pleasant.
There is a pet magazine devoted entirely to reptiles. I read a couple of articles about snapping turtles and their care before mine (Gul Dukat)died at the age of 23. Another very interesting low maintenance but not very affectionate pet. They can also live over 50 years. You only have to feed them dead frozen fish from the grocery store. I was really interested in getting an alligator snapper, it is a subspecies of snapping turle that grows to be even larger and is not as aggressive. I would have kept him in the pond outdoors, but I would have to heat it all winter. They are partial to the southern states.
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