Title: I Could Not Travel Both
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Characters: Doctor/Donna
Summary: He knew he was losing her.
Category: Romance/Angst
Word Count: 175
Prompt: 73. I can't [from the
100 Theme Challenge]
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of the BBC.
Giving him a lopsided smile, she said, 'Thanks for everything, Spaceman.' )
Comments 13
Lovely, but too sad.
(The comment has been removed)
Hmm, that rhyming there was completely unintentional, but the poetry feel more or less was intentional. Poetry was my first love, and while I haven't written much of it lately, it still seems to leak through into some of my prose; usually the short things where I was trying more to convey an emotion than a story. And I must admit that my favourite fics by other people are often written in a somewhat poetic style as well, so it's definitely something I admire and am consciously trying to emulate and get better at.
Long reply is long! Anyway, thank you so much, your comment really means a lot to me. And I almost would have liked to see her leave this way in the series as well, though I do love the mindwipe angst, in the same way that I like movies that make me cry, and all the lovely fics it has produced.
[STAMPS foot on ground, folds arms over chest] She told HIM forever, not the other guy!! I'm gonna hold my breath 'til she keeps her promise! (Insert pouty face here.)
I'm glad you saw my tongue in my cheek. Sometimes what I mean (my 'tone of voice') doesn't carry over in typing, but I'm glad this time it did. ;-)
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