50-something picture post. Enjoy!

Jan 20, 2006 17:46

Ok, so one person replied (thanks hun) to my question of where to put the pictures.
Score: 0-1
Link to website - Actual Pictures

Day's (Dayana) birthday.
This is Day.

Oh yea, she's thug.

Ok so we went ice skating for Day's birthday, but she and some of my other friends showed up really late. Ok so, since I have no circulation on my feet -nor hands- (because of...stuff), I had to leave the rink *by myself* without really telling anyone where I was going so they wouldn't get upset, or worried. I went to Times Square. First, the Quiksilver store (wee!). Then Element/Billabong (very cool stuff). Then I went to McDonalds on Times Square. No, I didn't get a disgusting hamburger. I got an Apple Dipper which is basically half an apple cut up in a tiny bag (because they're cheap and try to rip people off) but I was happy they were tiny. I warmed up and then went to meet up with them at the ice skating rink since they called and told me Day and the others had just gotten there. When I got there, a few people said they were tired of skating and decided to go into the city with me. We went into a cafe, cafe 0 (accent on the 0)

They sell pretty uch everything from nutribars, to salads, to tea and muffins, to cereal and fruits. Everything. I got a weird ass tea and some Special K. and Fio(white) and Erica (asian) ate Doritos.

(haha, check out their faces)

Ok, so now I can go in order of events. We got food and then got bored. So we took group pictures and face pictures. Check 'em.

L to R. Fio Erica Louisa Mishy Fat(me) and Jay.

It got freaky. Just look at Fio. How does her face manage to twist that way it's like, "oh my god".


Adorable Mishy.

Asians never look bad in pictures. (erica)

Leave her alone, she's Irish.


Ok, so we got out of there.

And went into *the Citay*

I just love lights.

...almost there.


And then we got cold. So we ran to the Virgin Megastore.

Where I finally met Bob Marley.

Jammin' Jay.

The people who stayed at the iceskating rink (I bet you forgot about 'em, didn't ya?) they called and said they were tired and wanted to go to AppleBee's. So we ran there and waited for them. For a *very* long time. But they finally got there, we got seated, and we ordered drinks.

Here's Fio being normal, and I being myself.

Who *loves* my granny sweater? Come on guys, admit it.

Fio and Chinky Sam.

Johanna and Day (H.Bd!)

Jackie (not a teenager, a very cool adult) turning around and our waiter who was very patient with us *teenagers*.

Sam and Jay.

Sam and Kathy. Kathy is Jackie's sister.

Oh, she is mad gangsta.

Omg guys, I just had the best idea. Looking at these pictures, they all seem like the people in the are faking their smile. So out of all of them, chose which one you think is the fakest.






We made the waiters at AppleBee's sing Dayana H.Bd song and give her some icecream!

Jay, where you high?

"hmmph. i want ma weed nigga."
No, not really, she was just really tired and full.

Yea, for some reason, everyone started sticking out their tounges in my pictures.


Fio, you're an F'ing freak. lol


I loff you Day! I hope you liked your birthday.

I love my friends.
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