::*Today did you...
1. Talk to a guy you like: Um...no.
2. Buy something to eat: No.
3. Get sick: No. :D
4. Sing: Didn't take a shower, so NO.
5. Make out: What? With myself?
6. Cry: Inside. (no)
7. Realize anything new: No.
8. Talk to an ex: No
9. Miss someone: No.
::*Last person who....
10. Slept in your bed: Me?
11. Saw you cry: Um...My parents.
12. Made you cry: Inner Demons!!!
13. You went to the movies with: I think Lee.
14. You went to the mall with: Megan G.
16. That made you laugh: Lee...or Jason...I can't remember.
17. Said they loved you: Does my mommy count?
18. Kissed you: Again, does my mommy count?
19. Called you in the middle of the night: Probably Megan over the summer.
21. Do you have a crush on someone: No
22. What book are you reading now: None
23. Best feeling in the world: Beats me.
25. What do you sleep with: My dog. He's so sweet.
26. What's under your bed: Book bags!
27. Favorite sport to watch: Sumo!
28. Favorite Location: Farm.
29. Piercing/Tattoos: No...but I might gage my ears one of these days.
30. What are you most scared of right now: Next week. But in a good way.
31. Where do you want to get married?: At the farm, like my parents. Hippy it up all the way. (No shoes allowed!)
32. Who do you really hate?: Twins. They's creepy. (no one)
33. Do you have a job: Does being a bum count?
34. Do you like being around people: Most of the time.
36. Have you ever cried: Um...am I human?
37. Are you lonely right now?: Not really.
38. Song that's stuck in your head right now: You know, that doesn't happen to me all that often.
41. Been on radio/TV: No.
42. Ever liked someone, & think they never noticed you?: No.
1. First real best friend: Ellenore Bussy(I don't even know how to spell that)
2. First school: Ogelthorpe Preschool. (doesn't excist anymore...now it is a publix)
3. First screenname: beats me. oldest one I remember is splendedyoyo
4. First funeral: I didn't know who it was...some old person. :D
6. First celebrity love: Never happened.
7. First job: AMC
::*Everyone also has their lasts...
8. Last person you hugged: My mom.
9. Last song you heard: I dont' know...something on TV.
10. Last car ride: Two days ago
11. Last time you cried: Months ago.
12. Last movie you watched?: Some crapy time travel movie. It was very bad.
13. Last food you ate: Donuts.
14. Last person of the opposite sex that you talked to: My aunt, on the phone.
15. Last shirt worn: **STRANGE QUESTION ALLERT**
16. Last person to hold your hand: No clue.
Spell your name without vowels: drn. Haahaa.
What is the date 2 days after your birthday?: My brothers birthday.
Know anyones birthday that day?: August 11. See above.
How many pairs of jeans do you own?: two or three. I really only wear one, though.
What color do you wear most?: Blue...but I'm on a quest to change that.
Least favorite color?: Yellow.
Last song heard?: I don't know.
What's for dinner tonite?: Probably leftovers because it is Thursday.
Are you happy with your life right now?: Yes.
Tell me a secret about one of your siblings: I am sworn to secrecy, bitches!
Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: No.
Who did you last call on your cell phone?: Megan...or dad.
Do you own a..
PS2?: My brother stole it.
XBOX 360?: No.
PSP?: No.
SIDEKICK?: I don't even know what that is.
DIGITAL CAMERA?: It is like 5 years old.
In what state or country do you want to go to after high school?: Any.
Do you shop at stores like Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, Aeropostle or Hollister?: No.
How do you make money?: Yardwork.
Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?: My car.
How's the weather?: Marvelous
When do you start Summer Break?: Two months ago :D
Are you missing anyone right now?: No.
What chores do you have around the house?: Vacume. Cat litter (yucky). Dishes. Trash -> Street. Clean Bathroom. ETC.
2 words to describe you: Artistic. Lazy.
Favorite pair of shoes: Those ones you saw me wearing last.
Do you own big sunglasses?: No.
Why is the first person in your Top 8 in the spot?: Huh?
What would you rather be doing right now?: Eating icecream!!! YAY!!!
What should you be doing right now?: Yardwork.
Last IM you recieved?: I dont know.
Who did you hug today?: Mommy.
What are you going to do now?: get dressed, because I am still in PJ-mode.