Title: Make This Go on Forever
Author: Adrianna Coylho
Pairing: Gibbs/Ducky, pre-Gibbs/DiNozzo, post-Gibbs/Fornell
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 20,058
Spoilers: Up to and including Season 5 Finale.
Warnings: Nothing the rating doesn’t cover...
Summary: Set after the end of Season 5, Gibbs is attempting to work with his new team. When a local school blows up due to a faulty gas mains the team are called in to investigate the deaths of three marines mysteriously on the site. Gibbs’ mind, however, is not on the job after yet another relationship break-up and he turns to his oldest friend for comfort. Inspired by Snow Patrol’s ‘Make This Go on Forever’. Quote taken from lyrics by Gary Lightbody.
Notes: Much love goes to my wonderful beta & friend
nakeisha . This was written just after Season Five finished, so it is now AU as far as the new team is concerned.
Fabulous accompanying artwork by
kaynyne :
Artwork (Illos 2 may not be suitable to open at work ;)
Part I |
Part II |
Part III |
Part IV |
Part V |
Part VI |
Part VII |