Today was really exciting. I woke up this morning and decided to go on a little historic trip, so i was walking along in this castle looking out the window when who should i see but STACY! She said "come on Adrianne, let's go on an adventure." So i jumped out the window along with her, and we were walking working on our cross stitching when i ran into shikha in australia. stacy left to go to the beach with jen and ashley...
and shikha and i were left with these hats. The hats we got as prizes for stealing all of the samples at ralphs while scavenging for food during lunch; hers was green to show that she's a vegetarian, and mine was bright orange because they ran out of the pink ones. Then we came back home and after a wild game of scrabble, we both decided to paint our toenails, save some lemmings, exercise our ears, and go to sleep, becuase it was a long day.
I wish i would have done all that today. In fact, if you'd replace each verb with "reading," "typing," "growing green with monotony," and "wondering what everyone else is doing," and then take all the nouns and stick in "Brave New World," you'd get a more accurate story of what i did today.
Friday, however, was fun. i STAYED HOME FROM SCHOOL on purpose, just like almost everyone else, and despite plenty of guilty and ashamed thoughts made by me (dont laugh, it's the catholic coming out combined with indecision) and others, to work on things that needed to be done. And i did get quite a bit done, surprisingly, but there's still a lot more i have to do. So then, in the evening, the way cool super duper college kids wanted to go see jon brion again, and after deciding about 5 times to go or not to go, kris and i did go after the others, becuas they left earlier. so after indecision once again ran rampage and i turned around to go back to valencia again, but then deciding that in fact my calling was toward jon brion, we got there, found it was 21 and over, then turned back around to go to a movie instead. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I told myself i wouldn't see it one of the many nights i sat at home and watched movie trailers, but it actually turned out to be all right.
And today, as you can tell, i did only tennis online and thesis. I did bowling friday and tennis today, so i will have a really stunning body by the time i go to school monday. im just kidding about that. but, i did find some other pictures, and it's my break for the night, so here are some more, probaly not interesting to anyone but the ssp buddiiiiiiiiies.
Abbie, Lacey, and Julia. They are swell people.
look, it's lacey studying. i think that was the first time i went to go hang out with her during the 5 weeks there.
these are the cucumber katies. both going to go to wash u. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
that was 4th of july, and it was the warmest night i've ever been outside in. it was almost like the middle of the day, and the subway would not come to take us home. julia and lacey were fortune tellers.
that was coming home from 4th of july. and look. the equivalent of clueless was among us.
that picture is because shikha wanted one of new york.
sorry about all the pictures. so now, after even boring myself reading this entry and deciding im super lame, i think i'll go do something. Everyone at berkeley had better have a nice week at school.