These things annoy me at this moment: (I know most of this is very immature and stupid)
-My computer has serious mental problems. I hate technology.
-Two Finnish persons are moving to Paris in six months. It makes me angry, in a very childish way. I want to whine and make them move to Siberia instead. Or Manila. Somewhere that is not my place
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Comments 6
- Elijah Wood -tyypeistä pääsee eroon kun hankkii vähän vanhempia kavereita. Tai odottaa että ne kasvaa. Tai lopettaa koulun. Koska mä en tunne yhtään.
- Girls who eat pizza and never gain weight... That's me. You hate me. :-(
- I don't think London's obvious. Not for me at least. I like Berlin and Amsterdam better. Which is a bad thing because English I understand, German or Dutch I don't.
- We don't have any milk either. Bleh. I'm angry at the person who did not buy milk. Excuse me, but I understand that _nobody_ bought milk. That would make you angry at everybody? :-)
-No ei edes pääse. Tai ehkä joo jos hankkii jotain nelikymppisiä. Ehkä sä vaan liikut toisenlaisissa piireissä! (mitä tämä kertoo minun "piireistäni"...)
-It's just so unfair...
-No, not for you, but for all Suede/Oasis glam glitter pop rockers who like to speak English with a British accent.
-What a funny conclusion!!! :P
I don't remember seeing you in it, but I woke up with a distinct feeling...
It's been coming back to me so I figured this was the only way out...
If it was. We'll see.
No words could explain, no actions determine
Just watching the trees and the leaves as they fall...
I just can't conclude who you are... But apparently someone who likes Joy Division.
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