anderson cooper♥

Mar 20, 2006 16:24

I'm watching Oprah right now and Anderson Cooper is on there. He is a reporter on CNN or something or other. But he is the most attractive old guy I've ever seen...

LOOK at that!!! Ooo la la! *wink wink*

Anywho, my ankle still really hurts :( Walking on it did NOT help at all. School wasn't that bad today, except for the bombardment of MEAP pretests and practice tests. The MEAP is easy, and our school is stupid for freaking out about it. No one takes it seriously because they shove it down our throats so much, and all that we ever learn is the information on the MEAP. I mean personally, the classes I'm taking (even though I LOVE film as lit.) are not preparing me for my future job. But you know if I pass that MEAP, I'll be set. <---end of the sarcasm.
Sandra drove me home, but first we stopped so she could pick up her check. I got an application, because I need a job so bad. You have no idea. I need my own money. I don't even know what I need it for. I just need to stop depending on other people. But yeah, imagine me working at KFC. Ha ha, that'll sprout some dumb, yet probably funny (the first 20 times) black jokes.
I HATE being grounded. Like I'm sitting here bored out of my mind, and just the thought that its going to go on until I finally fall asleep tonight in about 8 hours pisses me off. And I'm hungry :(
And I miss Chris already :(
I'm gonna go try and find some food. And write my film paper that is due at 11:59 p.m. tomorrow night. Thanks a lot *scowls*
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