no, you get the super early morning before-i-leave comment! ;)
mail me some lawn clippings! (i have a license to make unusual postal requests) and some food please, because i'm really hungery. :\ either way, have fun (this isn't a holiday for you, is it? it's just meaningless 'vacation' time for us - doesn't really do anything to anyone, i think) and take care of everybody!
hehee... i need food now, i'm gonna pass out or somethin... mail mail!! immediate delivery!
Comments 7
Oh well. :(
/me walks out looking dejected.
mail me some lawn clippings! (i have a license to make unusual postal requests) and some food please, because i'm really hungery. :\
either way, have fun (this isn't a holiday for you, is it? it's just meaningless 'vacation' time for us - doesn't really do anything to anyone, i think) and take care of everybody!
hehee... i need food now, i'm gonna pass out or somethin... mail mail!! immediate delivery!
/me mails gracie some food and grass clippings ;)
I hope you mean November 30 or December 1, and not December 31
I couldn't cope a month and a bit without you :)
bah, nonsense. everyone could cope years without me.
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