Saw the manics friday night at Carlisle! Amazing gig and the best bit.. I met the manics after the gig! Wooo. nicky is so cool. Got to pet his tiger :p James signed my spray paint t shirt too :) Awful photos up soon..
Had my magic competition last night. Went well. Didn't come that high but it was close and everyone was really good. If any one wants a magician you know where to look!! Manics gig in carlisle tommorrow night!! woooooo
here i am sitting at my girlfriends house bored. still waitning for sellafield to sort my pass out. might as well flog them my body parts in the mean time for them to "test". Just started one of those last fm audioscrobbler things so you can see what i listen to.. wow Toda in teh post i got the new manics singles. one was signed by all members
Haven't posted for ages! Life is a bit better. have a girlffirned. new job which i haven't started yet still. It's warmer outside and i'm going to come of my pills!! woop