Jan 14, 2008 02:03

The FAQ has undergone a revision and can now be found HERE. Please update your links accordingly and make any relevant replies there. Thank you!


If you have a question, check here first before asking a mod! It may already be answered~ And if you do have a question, please just leave a comment here and we'll get back to you ASAP!

Last Updated April 14th, 2009


✗ What does "Adstringéndum" mean?
It means "compression" in Latin.

✗ Who are the moderators of the game?
The current moderators of the game are Dùlin, Jackie, Joan, Penbee, and Youkofox. All of us work together to keep this game running as smoothly as possible.


✗ Is there a way for me to reserve a character?
Yes! You can reserve any character you wish to play that is NOT on the taken page here. Please note you can only reserve one character at a time :)

✗ The character I want to play is on the taken page. Now what?
Well, we encourage you to join with another character! Who knows? If the character you wanted drops, you're more than welcome to pick them up.

✗ I see some really long applications. Do I need to have 5 comments worth to get in?
No, you don't. You will also see we approve some shorter applications as well. What is most important is that you show that you understand the character and can write well. Being wordy or not is more of a stylistic thing, though longer applications do tend to have more info packed in.

✗ Can I apply for more than one character from the same series?
Yes! Provided that the characters are not too closely related. As an example, Freya-mod dropped Rangiku from Bleach when she decided she was better off with playing Gin. Playing them both would be talking to yourself half the time, since they share such a history. Please keep things like this in mind!

✗ Can I apply for a duplicate of a character?
No, we're not taking duplicates.

✗ What if they're from another series?
This does happen. Clamp, for example, has its crossover series Tsubasa. You can apply for that duplicate only if they have a different history and story-line than the first. For example - we have two Kamui's, but one is from X and one is from Tsubasa. They are different enough to be considered two different characters.

✗ Does my character have to be human?
No, they do not.

✗ What if I want to app a spirit or a ghost? Would that be the same as an Animus?
If you want to apply as a spirit being, you are more than welcome to. However, they will be visible to other characters. An example of this would be the Bleach Shinigami, who in this game still can do what they do, but they are solid forms.

It would not be the same as an Animus, who are spirit beings but from a separate dimension. They hold a lot of power over events in the game and we would like to keep them separate from other spiritual beings, too.

✗ I want to apply with an Original Character as my first muse. Can I do this?
No, sorry. It's not because we want to stifle creativity, but to try and keep down the much feared Mary Sue/Gary Stus from popping up, we ask that you apply with a canon character first so we can make sure that you are active and committed before apping an OC.

✗ I think the mods missed my app...
THEN WE ARE DUMB DX Please send us a message! But remember, if there's a whole bunch of apps around yours then we haven't checked them either. We try not to overlook any so please let us know.

✗ How often do you go over applications?
We try to go over apps once a week, usually in the middle of the week. So if you don't get a response right away, don't worry! We still see it.

✗ Can I just link to a wikipedia background page?
No. We know backgrounds aren't the most enjoyable parts of the applying process, but we do think it shows that you know the history of the character. You can use other sites for reference, of course, but don't just copy and paste.

Also, do not plagiarize. If it is discovered you are attempting to pass off another person's application as your own, you will be rejected and barred from applying at this game.

✗ Can I apply for an original character from an established world?
OCs from already established worlds are fair game, just make sure you note what the world is. Generally however, we don't allow canon-OCs (a canon-OC being a character that's established within the canon, but you dictate all of the character's moves and actions; example being the main character from Fable) or OCs that are suddenly attached to every main character without a logical reason (aka self-inserts).


✗ When do you do activity checks?
Once a month, usually at the beginning of the following month. For example, the activity check for June is often posted at the beginning of July. They generally last one week.

✗ What happens if I'm on the activity check?
We put your name on a list and tell you that you haven't updated your journal. If you see yourself, you simply update your journal and let us know that you did so. We'll take you off the list. However, you are asked not to apply for any character for one week after you have cleared the check.

✗ What if I'm on the activity check more than once?
Three strikes and you're out. So please remember to update! We want to have a lively, active community.

✗ What if I'm on hiatus and miss an activity check/my second post for that month?
If you're going on a hiatus, let us know! Post in the OOC community and we'll take a note of it. If you're on hiatus you will be exempt from one activity check. However, some hiatus have been lasting months on end...

✗ What if I'm on hiatus for more than one month?
We ask that your hiatuses don't last more than one month if it's possible to control. Being inactive for a few months and holding onto that character isn't fair to the people that interact with them and others who would like to app them. But, we know that some things in real life are just uncontrollable. If you let us know you're on hiatus and one month passes, if it's possible please just check in with us and let us know what is going on. If you have a good reason, we will extend your hiatus for another month.

Eventually, being on a continuous hiatus will mean forfeiting your character ): It's not that we want to be mean, but if you're not around to roleplay, there's no sense in having the character. You're welcome to apply again if/when you're able to come back :)


✗ How does my character get here?
Well, each world is being compressed into one, and it may not all happen at once! So when your character is brought here, it is literally like hitting a wall, and getting knocked out, then waking up in the WTF world we call Adstringéndum :) They will end up in the Safezone, and after that can run around wherever they want at their own discretion.

✗ How does my character communicate with everyone else?
Upon arriving in the world, your character will be given a PCD (Personal Communication Device). They may find it near them, mysteriously placed in their belongings, or even handed one by a complete stranger. This is the primary way of communicating with everyone over the network. For more information, please see the [ In-Depth FAQ]

✗ What are the areas of the world called?
The world is divided into two main zones. Currently, a roughly 20 mile zone around The Equator is called the "Safezone" and is habitable to live in. Work is constantly done to expand the Safezone to allow for more people to reside there as people filter in. The rest of the world is generally called the "Wastelands," due to its devastated state. Also, due to the compression, there are beasts of all shapes and sizes that roam the wastes, so it's a very "enter at your own risk" situation. For more information on these areas, please see the [ In-depth FAQ].

✗ Who are the "Animus"? What do they do?
The Animus are spirits, essentially, as it means "spirit" in Latin. Not just human souls, but ethereal beings that existed in the Spirit World. As their world compressed with the other physical realities, they became stuck in the makeup, unable to take form or truly interact with the environment as they normally could.

So, they are quite cranky. They will take advantage of you if you're in an out of body, spirit form. (This means if you die, not like Shinigami and whatnot). And since they cannot interact with the world itself, they take out their anger on the people. If they work hard enough, they can take away your voice, to making you change your genetic make-up for a period of time. It really depends on how they feel like showing their disdain. The Project constantly tries to see if there is a way to stop them from involving themselves, but so far nothing has worked, if not only angered them further.

✗ Is there a way out?
Good question! So far, no. There is no "out" to be had as all the worlds squish together, meaning there will be only one time and place. Once the compression is complete, the Project speculates there may be no way back.

✗ So, is there like, a big scientific organization in charge of everything?
Not at the moment, no. However, that doesn't mean one can't develop. The Unified Universe Project is currently just doing what it can to make up for the big oops that they did when everything got screwed up. However, if your character wants to make a move forward with the Project or try and create their own sense of order, by all means go ahead! Just be sure to keep it in the not god-modding category, okie dokie?

✗ What about my powers? Can I use them here?
Yes, you can. There may be fluctuations in that ability as the Project tries to fix things, but in general you may. The mods will announce when powers are suddenly unattainable or enhanced, etc. Now, because you have your powers, we want you to BE RESPONSIBLE with them. Don't go blow up the place, please! As an explanation IC, we will say that the Project says the world is too fragile for that kind of stuff :3 Maybe later, we'll let you know.

✗ Sweet! I can use my powers, so now I can pwn everyone!
No, not necessarily :/ You can use your powers, but anything that has to do with altering time won't work here, sorry! This is time getting squished, after all. As for "my character is way stronger than yours" because they're from different series and have different abilities...well, that will happen, but there are consequences for using a lot of power here. The Safezone is the most stable, but the place as a whole is still being held together with like space duct tape. Going Super Saiyan gazillion will probably not only piss off the Animus and have them knock you into a pond of goo or something, but it may also cause a rip in the space time. That could completely change an area or even screw up your own abilities. Use them with caution.

So yes, you do have your abilities, but it is advised not to use them all to their limits. And if someone says "that's okay, my low power can keel you", while in some cases that may be true (like if Aizen from Bleach wanted to blow up Card Captor Sakura), we ask you to merely be nice to other players. You cannot control things that happen to someone else's character, so if you want to fight them without your full power for whatever reason, go ahead as long as you and the other player have discussed things. Just don't blow up the world, mmkay? For character death, see below.

✗ What happens if I die here?
Another good question! Hopefully you won't, but it's entirely possible. What will happen is you'll be sent back, since the spirit world has been compressed with the "real" world as well. However, your soul will enter your body as is, so you may be in a lot of pain when you come back depending on how you died. If you got blown to pieces, they will just come back together. The Project isn't sure exactly why this is happening. However, there may be consequences for dying other than just pain. The Animus don't like people coming into their spiritual state, especially while they're already upset, so they may just take something away from you while you're in your spirit form, be it a possession, memory, or ability. You can be dead for the period of time you want for your character, be it an hour to a week or more, but you will eventually have to come. For additional information, please look at the [ in-depth FAQ] on character death.

All character deaths must be approved by a moderator at least 24 hours in advance. Please provide the following information: Character who will die, cause of death, duration they will be missing from Adstringéndum, and what they will lose upon returning to life.

✗ What is a character reset and how do I do it?
A character reset is what it sounds like; the character is being reset and returns to Adstring without any memories of their previous time. We understand there are times when a character may need to be reset for a variety of reasons ranging from needing to update to a further point in their canon to realizing the character has gone OOC and needs a fresh start and we allow character resets to help with these situations.

To reset a character, take the following steps:
1) Email or contact a moderator to let them know the character will be reset. Provide the following information: character, reason for the reset, if any changes to their canon will be made, and any other details we may need to know about (if the character will gain new abilities, they'll come back missing a leg, etc.)

2) The character disappears from Adstring for a minimum of one week and the character cannot be played during that time (any backlogging aside). We place this time limit in order to allow players to refresh their canon and work out how a reset character would be played. Also, this time allows the characters to ICly realize someone has disappeared and react as needed. If for any reason you need a character to disappear for a shorter period of time, we can discuss it, but a week is the standard.

3) When a reset character returns, they will have no memories of their prior time in Adstring. It will be a fresh start for them. While they can regain memories overtime, they will never remember anything 100%. What they remember or don't remember is left up to the player.

4) A character who died in Adstring and was reset will keep the price that was lost. Resets are not a way to get around character deaths. While they do not have to begin with the price lost (if they lost a memory of someone, they can return with those memories intact), that price will be repaid over time. This is a process that takes no longer than a month.

5) A character can only be reset once every six months.

If you have any other questions, please contact us.


✗ Can my character get pregnant?
While we realize some players may want their characters to have children or become pregnant and it is certainly a realistic thing that can occur, there are very heavy restrictions on pregnancy. The reason is because if a child is born, remember that child is still a living, breathing, person who will need attention and care. The child will have to be played out by someone and taken care of and is not as easy as it seems. And if one of the parents was to disappear from Adstring for any reason, that child would remain behind. Also roleplaying out the duration of the pregnancy can be very difficult without research and some care taken into it. Overall, it can be a headache for everyone.

If you are set on a plot where your character becomes pregnant but ultimately does not give birth for one reason or another, you must contact a moderator with a detail plan of what will happen. You will provide the following information; characters involved, how this will impact your character, how this will impact other characters closely related to yours, the reason you want to do this plot, what will happen during each month with any possible changes consideration, the end result, and impact on your character. We realize this may be a lot of information, but this is a plot that should be taken seriously and not made up on the fly.

For something small like a pregnancy scare or any other false alarms, no mod approval or notice is required.

Under no circumstances can males become pregnant.

Your question not answered here? Something character/series specific? Just leave us a comment below!

(outdated) f.a.q, (outdated) ooc information
