Characters: Anyone
When: The week of Mistletoe Madness
Where: All over the city
Rating: R because Kevin is loud and foul-mouthed.
Summary: This is the open log for Mistletoe Madness. If you want your character to get stuck but don't have someone planned for them to unstick them, or want more variety, place them in here. Add an OOC note with preferences if you'd like - male, female, of age, not Pyramid Head - and then play away! If your character winds up in a thread of a good length and you'll want it for the AC, mark it as 'complete' in a commentheader and it can be counted towards activity.
The Animus were bored and mistletoe was pretty. It really was that simple, when you had the one Animus aspect obsessed with pretty, and another who thought sex was funny, and another who was distracted by anything that rolled, like the berries did.
And so there was mistletoe all over the city. And they watched, gleefully.