Characters: Hatake Kakashi
turn-a-blindeye & Youth (ES! Maito Gai)
spandexisyouth and Stoneface (ES! Samuel Vimes)
stonyfacedWhen: June 6th, during the first day of the ES/AD crossover
Where: By the lake in Adstringendum.
Rating: PG-13 for Youth thinking Kakashi is Bell.
Summary: It was an easy mistake! When Youth jumps Kakashi, thinking he is Bell, he ends up finding out more than intended. For a member of the Sphere, too much information can be lethal. Stoneface will not be happy.
Warning: Character 'death,' hints of male/male sexual relationship, and a sexy old man.
Porn: In the interest of separating out the porn (aka Kakashi almost actually gets some action again) from the plot significant threads (aka spoiler alert: Youth dies), the porn can be found
here for Adstringendum members and
here for Edensphere members. Both entries are friends-locked to their communities (and are exactly the same content) and should not be read by minors. The "porn" precedes the log below, so the post beginning this log starts in the middle of things.
Gai's confidence could be annoying, arrogant, something that made Kakashi want to punch him in the nose. Coupled with that kiss and telling Kakashi that he knew what he was doing and what he was going to do to him, it was intoxicating. He had fought Gai so many times in the time they had been Rivals. Kakashi knew Gai well, knew his quirks and weaknesses, everything in battle. But he didn't know this Gai and could still be pushed about and caught off guard and--
It was like cold water doused him. There was that word--that name?--that he had missed the first time. Bell. He didn't understand. ...It wasn't like Gai was so far gone at this point that he couldn't care beyond desire if Kakashi was Iruka, or Asuma, or some nameless ninja he met in a bar. Gai was still very much in the moment enough to banter; Gai had approached him with the intent to do this. It wasn't like they were drunk. At least, he was pretty sure Gai wasn't under the influence of something. Maybe he should have been more sure before this got under way.
Kakashi couldn't fully shake the desire coursing through his body--this was still Gai, and every instinct said so--but he took on a cautious edge, stiffening, slowing, withdrawing from Gai as much as he could from where he was pinned beneath him. His voice was hard, masking the alarm and concern that was ringing in the back of his head. "...Gai, who is Bell?"
[[ooc: This is an example of a crossover-log that has been originally posted in Adstringendum and has been linked to
Edensphere's log community.]]