Feb 27, 2011 19:58

Hello Adstringendum! Leif and Vilify here with an important announcement!

Next month, starting March 6th and ending March 12th we'll be having the Dreamscape event! The RP twist is that Rhode and Lucifer are going to be the ones to initiate it--but don't worry. The Animus will take an interest in these two villains messing with their playground. The event will quickly spread out of Lucifer and Rhode's control and on to all of Adstringendum.

Like all events this is opt in so you can choose not to be affected! But here's what you need to know if you choose to participate.

Every night for one week people wander the corridors of the minds their friends or enemies while they sleep. Doors and passages lead to different thoughts and memories, or to another person's mind. Some areas may be barred or concealed, hiding a terrible nightmare or secret that even the owner doesn't know.

This is an odd event in that it only takes effect during the night (or whenever anyone is sleeping). This is an opt-in event and decisions for what character can go inside what character's mind and what they will be able to see is entirely up the players.

When affected characters fall asleep, they end up in the mind of another (sleeping and affected) character. Think of it like walking through a museum except everything on display is a person's memory, thought, or even their current dream. You could even see it as a long hallway with multiple doors, memories, dreams, etc. located behind each door. Or even its own kind of world with the design entirely up the player. So it could be a field with a winding path that leads to different areas of the mind, or a dark cave or corridor. Whatever you think would work.

Using some characters as an example, Alphonse, Rei, and Katara all fall asleep. Katara ends up in Rei's mind, unaware of where she is and believing it's just a dream, and begins to poke around, opening doors and looking at memories. When Katara wakes up, she feels like he just had a very odd dream and doesn't think anything about it.

Rei ends up in Al's mind and realizes she is in someone else's mind and begins looking at his memories. When she wakes up, she remembers what just happened and talks to Alphonse about what she saw. At the same time, she is unaware Katara had been in her mind as she slept.

Alphonse ends up in Katara's mind and thinks it's just an odd dream. He also has a dream about someone going through his memories or something similar and realizes it's Rei and confronts her. When he wakes up, he forgets about going through Katara's mind, but is able to confront Rei.

Alternately, both Katara and Alphonse could end up in Rei's mind at the same time, but neither character would realize the other person is there and whatever Katara does inside Rei's mind would not have any affect on Alphonse's experience.

As you can see, there are different ways this could work out, many more than just those few examples. You can play these out in logs or comment threads, the choice is up to you. Please remember to discuss any information that might be learned with the player. There will be no info-modding with this event or looking through memories/dreams/etc. without the permission of the player.

An example of the last event's logs can be found here for reference.

Original Event description thanks to Blaze, revised by Leif.

If you have any questions, ask them here! This is also a post for plotting, so go wild figuring out what you want to do with each other! There's a separate post for victims of Rhode and Lucifer to volunteer over here.

Thank you!

*event, *event notice

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