hardware does things it's not supposed to do

Oct 14, 2009 22:43

I'm really confused.

I just took the battery out of my dead laptop, slid it in again on a whim, and turned it on. The clock thinks we're in 1969, so it obviously crashed hard, but... ?

This is after I bought a new battery for, and spent two days reinstalling on, teferi's machine and had been using it for a week ( Read more... )

wtf, techhology, doom, mac

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Comments 1

sickyprincess October 16 2009, 04:34:26 UTC
I just went through the same thing (our macs were about the same vintage) and was able to restart my computer by taking out the battery/playing with power sources/doing a rain dance a few times but it did eventually crash quite hard.


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