Aduvar - Valar in disguise.
Elrohir - Elf shaman
Gaia - Elrohir's mun
Baka - Aduvar's mun
Baka: :|
Baka: Is Elrohir around?
Gaia: yep
Baka: good. I'm sicj of Valar who get ahold of the Peanutbag of Holding
Gaia: huh?
Baka: The Peanut bag of Holding is an endless suplly of peanuts.
Gaia: why would one want that
Baka: technically it belongs to the Peanut Gallery but Aduvar nicked it
Baka: the Gallery liked throwing Peanuts
Gaia: *shakes head* silly muse
Baka: Aduvar likes throwing them at *my* head when he's bored or toey
Baka: *Takes the bag off Ad and shoves him over to sit with Elrohir*
Elrohir: Hey *flips channels on TV*
Aduvar: Wocha watchin?
Elrohir: Nofin' because that stupid woman *points to Gaia* won't get cable, so we have like 6 channels at most
Aduvar: Sounds like her house *Points at Baka*
Elrohir: There is always the collection of movies
Elrohir: Seen them all a hundred times already *glares*
Aduvar: Oh? What's in it?
Elrohir: lots of sci-fi, fantasy, and drama
Aduvar: Mmhmm.
Aduvar: Not that the Idiot ever watches much, she's usually on the computer with some sort of music playing
Aduvar: ...which goes on about the time the sitcoms come on and never really stop
Aduvar: She hates sitcoms
Elrohir: Yours too...what do you think of this new group, Apocalyptica I think they are called, that they are obsessed with?
Aduvar: Not too bad, I'm still missing the RotK soundtrack though
Elrohir: Gaia is too broke to buy any new cds. Most of her movies come from her parents at christmas time
Aduvar: Baka seems to be in charge of paying bills mostly though she is buying the HoME series of books
Elrohir: At least your mun knows LotR canon. Mine is too lazy to bother with it. *louder* and she still needs to practice her Sindarin!
Aduvar: Which reminds me, Baka keeps forgetting to pass on the bit of info that one of the LotR lj comms she's on has a website that has the Silmarillion online
Elrohir: Oh she has 2 copies of the silmarillion, one on the computer, and one as an actual book...both are unread
Aduvar: Twit.
Elrohir: yep
Gaia: I heard that!
Aduvar: As the Idiot Mun says: NARF!
Gaia: *threatens to turn Aduvar into Pinky from 'Pinky and the Brain'
Aduvar: You wouldn't. It wouldn't be very conducive to your muse's moods
Aduvar: *Snuggles El*
Elrohir: it wouldn't be perment...*sly grin*
Aduvar: Hmph.
Elrohir: *snuggles back* I'm still bored...wanna put in a movie or play a game
Aduvar: depends on the movie, depends one the game *Wraps his arms around El*
Elrohir: about X-men?
Aduvar: Hmm, Okay.
Elrohir: first one or second?
Aduvar: The second.
Elrohir: good choice
Elrohir: maybe later I could show you one of her two strangest movies
Aduvar: Oh?
Elrohir: Memento or Russian Ark. Memento is a story told both backwards and forwards, and meeting somewhere in the middle at the end. Russian Ark is a strange foreign film done without any cuts.
Aduvar: Is Memento the Guy Pierce one?
Elrohir: that be the one
Aduvar: Never seen it, neither has the Idiot but she's heard of it.
Elrohir: It makes your brain hurt, but its a good movie
Aduvar: If you wnat weird and Guy Pierce watch Ravenous.
Elrohir: haven't seen it
Baka: *Me, from the comp, playing Freecell: I'll put Memento on my "To See" list*
Aduvar: Ravenous is about canibalism
Elrohir: don't show Elladan it. It may give him ideas
Aduvar: Erk!
Elrohir: you know his fancy for eating weird things
Aduvar: Yes, the last thing he needs to get into his head is any thought of eating humans, or elves.
Elrohir: Exactly
Aduvar: That'd probably be grounds for banning him from Valinor
Elrohir: *whisper* can I sneek him in
Aduvar: I know. Best then to keep any such ideas from him then, I wouldn't want to forced to ban you too, I would like to have a chance to show you around the place.
Aduvar: *Hugs Elrohir tight*
Elrohir: *hugs* You mean, the other Valar will allow me to go to Valinor
Aduvar: What makes you think they wouldn't?
Elrohir: Metatron said something...and the fact that I am more than just an elf. Thought I would be banned too
Aduvar: Well Metatron isn't lord of Valinor, I am and you have *NOT* been banned.
Elrohir: That's another thing that is worrying me....I'm sleeping with you.
Aduvar: Exactly what about it is worrying?
Elrohir: All my sexual relationship have ended badly
Aduvar: You fear something will happen of the like with us?
Elrohir: *sighs* yes...
Aduvar: Varda knows and doesn't mind it. I've not had Attar say anything about past relationships and he hasn't said anything to me about this one either. As for the other Valar... well it's not their business.
Elrohir: It isn't that. I cannot help but feel that I am destined to not have the kind of relationship Elladan has with Legolas.
Aduvar: *Looks sad* I can't ever quite give you that, I would never be yours alone, not totally but I would give you a bond, I would give you forever if you wanted it.
Elrohir: *wraps his arms around Aduvar, and sobs quietly*
Aduvar: *Buries his face in Elrohir's hair and holds him tightly*
Elrohir: Orophin wanted to bond with me, but things still fell apart with him.
Aduvar: I don't mean to bring up past pains, I don't want you hurting meleth.