Elrohir - Elf shaman
Varda - Vala Queen
Aduvar - Vala in disguise
Gaia - Elrohir's mun
Baka - Aduvar and Varda's mun
Z - Tebs. One of the Apofic girls
Baka: meh?
Baka: ************
Gaia: eek!! the freeky painful yello
Baka: narf
Gaia: orange better
Baka: nork nork
Baka: ************************************************
Gaia: having fun?
Baka: I like my rainbow stars
Baka: ************************************************
Gaia: *shakes head* silly baka
Baka: Yup!
* Baka grins stupidly
Gaia: btw, Elrohir hid last night, I tend to do bad things to him when I get that depressed
Baka: Hugs to him
Baka: Oooh! Idea!
Gaia: O.o
Baka: wait for it...
Baka: *blinks*
*** Aduvar has joined channel #apofic
Gaia: oh dear...
Baka: I just have to remember not to do too much else besides
Baka: crashes that way come
* Aduvar slaps Baka around a bit with a large trout
*** Elrohir has joined channel #apofic
* Baka slaps mun back
Baka: erk
Baka: tupo
Aduvar: teit
Aduvar: twit
Elrohir: *giggles*
* Baka sniggers
Baka: tupo monster got you too
Baka: *shakes head*
* Aduvar rolls eyes
* Aduvar pulls Elrohir into his arms
Elrohir: *snuggles then sticks his tongue out at Gaia*
* Aduvar grins and kisses adorable elf
Baka: so how do you get two IDs on?
Gaia: what! I didn't do anything bad to you last night
Gaia: I can do it with this verison of IRC, just open up 2 server windows
Baka: which version?
Gaia: 6.something
Baka: hmm
Baka: I don't know what I've got
Gaia: you should be able to do it with your version
Gaia: go to file and then servers
Baka: v6.02
Gaia: select servers
Baka: no servers under File
Baka: unless it's the "New server window" box in the options pop-up
Gaia that one
Gaia the little check mark
*** Kitanya has joined channel #apofic
Kitanya: well that's interesting
Gaia: hehehe
Baka: :D
*** Kitanya is now known as Varda
* Baka prods Trill
* Varda pokes Ad
* Aduvar slaps Varda around a bit with a large trout
* Gaia would really love to see the reactions of the apo gals when they come in and see this
* Baka snerks
Gaia: maybe we should have the muses go to a different room
Baka: keep our muses in until they do?
Gaia: sure I guess
* Aduvar thinks his mun is mad
* Elrohir pokes Gaia
* Varda thinks Ad is a dweeb
Elrohir: Care to let me talk for once
Varda: Yes, let the boy talk
Elrohir: Varda, you married him *waggles eyebrows*
Varda: You think I don't know that?
* Aduvar merely smirks
Elrohir: hehehe...wife of the dweeb *ducks*
Varda: Do you want a fish pen-neth?
Aduvar: Don't try it
Elrohir: can I cook it afterwards
Varda: hmm...
Varda: <><
Varda: ><>
Elrohir *laughs*
Varda: ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><>
Elrohir: EEK!
* Baka thinks her muses are insane - particularly the Valier
Gaia: *glares at Varda* no spaming the channel
* Aduvar hugs El
Varda: meep
* Aduvar slaps Varda around a bit with a large trout
* Varda slaps Aduvar around a bit with a large trout
* Aduvar throws a sheep at Varda
* Elrohir gets splattered by fish bits
*** Z has joined channel #apofic
Baka: oooh, sushi
Gaia: and tebs is online
Baka: welcome to the madhouse
Z: uhhhhh
Z: hi?
Gaia: we were bored
Baka: we invited our muses in
Z: I see...
Z: lol
* Aduvar starts cleaning up the fish
Z: how are you two?
Z: or four, rather
Gaia: maybe we should have them go to a different channel
Baka: mmm
Gaia: I'm good, Elrohir is currently snuggling Aduvar so he's happy
* Aduvar grins
Z: oookay
Baka: he's just waaay too snug
Baka: that was suposed to be "smug"
Baka: but "snug" works too
* Elrohir pulls the Valar to #muses
*** Signoff: Varda (Quit: Goes to narf)
*** Elrohir has left #apofic
*** Aduvar has left #apofic
* Now talking in #muses
Varda: um...
Aduvar: ???
Varda: nothing, testing
Elrohir: what!?
Varda I got a case of identity crisis
* Aduvar rolls eyes
Elrohir: do I dare to ask
Varda: nothing bad, confused mun is more like it
Elrohir: happens to my mun all the time, expecially when Legolas and I chat in the same thread
Varda: helps having two windows open
Elrohir: yes it does, but LJ isn't allowing us to be logged in at the same time anymore *pouts*
Varda weird, we don't seem to have that problem
Aduvar: just headmates that swear at the mun
Varda: Well if she's been near Pityo...
Aduvar: No one's been near Pityo, he's been hiding
Aduvar: :(
Elrohir: I don't want to know
Aduvar: If you think you've been uneasy around Valar then times that by a thousand and top it with being an ex-valinoran and you have Pityo
Aduvar: plus he misses his twin
Varda: that too
Elrohir: *blinks* ooooooooookay
Varda: He's not in TM
Elrohir: good think
Elrohir: thing even
Varda: Probably
Varda: the only Amras I know of doesn't RP on TM even if he posts challenge answers
Varda: and is close to the resident Russ
Aduvar:* Aduvar slaps Baka - oh dear, she gave you all Eicca pictures
Aduvar: Yep
Aduvar: on both journals too
Elrohir: *pinces your cheek* but you look so cute
Aduvar: ow!
* Aduvar kisses
* Elrohir smooches
* Aduvar pulls El close and start kissing *really* seriously
* Varda watches quietly
* Elrohir leans into the kiss, and pulls Aduvar closer to him
* Aduvar plunders El's mouth, letting hand move to caress his lover.
Elrohir: *pulls back slightly* You know, we do have an audience
* Aduvar raises an eyebrow Varda's way
Varda: Are you wanting me to leave because I was actually enjoying watching
Elrohir: *turns back to Aduvar* and you...all you think about is sex
* Aduvar bites his lip
Elrohir: so you don't deny it *winks*
Aduvar: well, I do, a bit
Elrohir: *whispers* You know, I love just being with someone and talking as much as making love
Aduvar: *whispering as well* I'd like that.
Elrohir: *smiles*
* Aduvar reaches up to gently stroke El's cheek, smiling in return
Elrohir: my brother and I used to spend a long time just talking. Now he has Legolas and we hardly talk anymore...I miss that
Aduvar: 'Tis a less than happy side effect, that.
Elrohir: we had each other for so long...
Aduvar: Aye, but not all brothers can be together forever... at least this distance was for a good reason.
Elrohir: true, but it still hurts, I feel like I am losing part of myself
Aduvar: He isn't going to cut you off, Elladan cares about you, he just has another to care about as well
Elrohir: I know, its just a lot of my friends and family have 'found others to care about"
* Aduvar slowly strokes El's back
Elrohir: Bliss, Mike, name a few
Aduvar: It's not something I can easily will away with words, the pain of having friends drift.
Elrohir: but new friends come
Aduvar: They do and it's good to hang on to them when you find them.
Elrohir: *hugs*
* Aduvar hugs Elrohir back
Elrohir: So tell me about Valinor. Is it really as beautiful and peaceful as the legands say it is
Aduvar: I supose it is. It is one of the places least touched by Morgoth's taint, with wide golden plains, of deep green silence, rivers like glass...
Elrohir: sounds wonderful
Elrohir: will I ever get to see it
Aduvar: The way West is open to you to take when you wish it, you only have to take the step of heading hence.
Aduvar: You will see it
Elrohir: I'm not ready yet, there are still things I need to do here first
Aduvar: Of course. It will wait until your time here is done, meleth.
Elrohir: Ada almost sailed
Aduvar Yes... it was somethign you mentioned when I first arrived. I suspect he is dearly tired and wishes to seek the rest of the Undying Lands.
Elrohir: you know what my biggest problem is, I am lonely. Since the ring, I have become a recluse, because I keep on thinking no one wants me around.
* Aduvar stroke El comfortingly. Mayhap you need to try reaching out to them again, they would likely be glad to see you if you did.
Elrohir: I've tried. They found their own lives without me
Aduvar: They may have their own lives but that does not mean they have all totally frozen you out. They may not even realise you feel so cut off.
* Aduvar holds El
* Elrohir sighs happily
* Varda silently smiles
Elrohir: and you like watching too much
* Varda pouts slightly it's nice to see you when you happy though
Elrohir: even if your husband is cuddling me when he should be cuddling you?
Varda: I give him freedom to love beyond just myself, and he grants me the same. Besides, I like that you are the one he is with.
Elrohir: I still feel like I am taking something that should be yours alone.
Varda: You can't take what is given freely, ammelinya.
Elrohir: *nods*
* Varda gets up from her seat and steps over to El and Ad, wrapping her arms around both of them.
* Aduvar takes one of Varda's hands
Elrohir: I still don't understand how I caught the attention of you two
Varda: I'm not sure if I could give you a reason either for why took a fondness to you, I just don't wish to give you up now.
Elrohir: *smiles*