Me: Guess what!?
You: Another Survery?
Me: Why yes, you are correct! Aren't you the clever one. *pinches cheeks*
// series one - you
---> Name: Kathryn
---> Birth date: October 12, 1987
---> Birthplace: .....*mumbles* Oklahoma City. But I'm NOT and Okie. I don't remember the place at all...moved right after I was born.
---> Current Location: the Cave [my room]
---> Eye Color: Green
---> Hair Color: dark...kinda "honey" blonde
---> Righty or Lefty: righty
---> Zodiac Sign: Libra
// series two - describe
---> Your heritage: Welsh, French, English, Scottish, Dutch, Irish
---> The shoes you wore today: didn't wear shoes
---> Your hair: real long and all over the place
---> Your eyes: kinda scratchy from looking at this screen for so long
---> Your weakness?: new notebooks, quill pens, gorgeous eyes
---> Your fears: To not be remembered, to be a nonentity, to be caged in, painful death
---> Your perfect pizza: meh...whatever my mood decides is the perfect pizza
---> One thing you'd like to achieve: Write a novel/book
// series three - what is
---> Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: don't use aol/aim all that much so nothing is overused...on msn-lol
---> Your thoughts first waking up: die alarm clock..DIE!
---> The first feature you notice in the opposite (or same) sex: hands or eyes
---> Your best physical features: people says I have pretty eyes *shrugs* and I like my wrists [yea, I know--hand fetish kicks in everyonce in a while]
---> Your usual bedtime: 10-11 p.m.
---> Your greatest accomplishment: following my parents and becoming a decent artist, becoming fluent in spanish, living in another country besides that of my birth
---> Your best memory: that's a toughie...I would say the day me and Haley Kiger rolled everylast bit of doll/barbie clothes down the street to her house and made a disaster area of her room
// series five - do you
---> Smoke: nope, never.
---> Cuss: a smidgen
---> Sing well: when I'm alone
---> Take a shower everyday: no, everyother....don't want to dry out my hair/skin.
---> Want to go to college: of course!
---> Like high school:'s alright. Tolerable, has it's good moments and it's bad.
---> Want to get married: not really.
---> Type with your fingers on the right keys: yes...'cept for on the bottom row.
---> Believe in yourself: I believe in faeries! I do, I do!!
---> Get motion sickness: only in turbulence on airplanes.
---> Think you're attractive: sometimes
---> Think you're a health freak: no, but I wish I were.
---> Get along with your parents: sometimes...better with the Mam than with Da.
---> Like thunderstorms: oh yes! Muchly.
---> Play an instrument:
// series six - in the past month, did/have you
---> Drank alcohol: I stuck finger in me mam's zinfindell and had a small taste
---> Smoke(d): no
---> Done a drug: no
---> Made Out: *shoulders sag*, sigh.
---> Gone on a date: I've never been on a date.
---> Gone to the mall: nope, saving up for Ren Fest.
---> Been on stage: no, and grateful for it.
---> Been dumped: no...never had the chance to be dumped.
---> Gone skating:
---> Made homemade cookies: no...made homemade japanese egg noodle stir fry with mushroom medley, though.
---> Been in love: don't think I've ever been in love, infatuated, yes.
---> Gone skinny dipping: not in the past month, no.
---> Dyed your hair: no
---> Stolen anything: a buck from me brother *devious*
// series seven - have you ever?
---> Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
---> If so, was it mixed company: ^^^
---> Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
---> Been caught "doing something": no
---> Been called a tease: yes, but only in jest.
---> Gotten beaten up: no
---> Shoplifted: no...but I did accidently walk out with a book from the library without signing it out. That was when I was around 6....I still have the book.
---> If so, did you get caught: nope...they were as oblivious as I was.
---> Changed who you were to fit in: not really, no.
Hmm...well that was fun. I think I will be going to attempt to write some now.