8th grade picnic.Graduation.Pressleys.OFRC.Abby’s. & the first week of summer!
hahah falling
hahah thats hott...?
joel&joe with SANDY<3!
wow, yall know i cry easy so i'm not gonna get too deep, but this has been a wonderful 3 past years, its really hard to say goodbye to an awesome school, but its not like any of my friends are leaving me...which is definatly a good thing. HELLO BULLDAWGLAND!!!
Going to Emerald Isle in 2 weeks, then leaving that weekend to go up to Smith Mountain Lake(Kristina Kinard i wanna see you!!) for my cousins weeding. After that week, only 2 more weeks till AASC, you don't even know how much i love that daggum place. Its going to be so amazing, can't wait. Everybody have summer for now, and I'll update later, muwah<3.
....& I don't know why, but I can't keep my eyes off you ♥