I'm not a nurse.
I never, ever even wanted to be a nurse.
But now, I'm administering IV antibiotics to hubby with a small, portable IV pump - flushing lines with saline, changing batteries, messing with tubing, priming the new tubing, and attaching DH to the new bag of meds that will dose him 3 times over the course of 24 hours.
The fun comes in where the pump is NOT doing one of the jobs (priming the new tubing) that it's supposed to - which means that I had to have the home health care nurse in yesterday to help. He showed me how to "Prime it manually". The idea that I could do it right twice with supervision, but the machine failed the moment I was left to do it on my own was almost crippling.
What made it worse was that I had a nightmare just the night before about not getting all the air out of the line, and killing my DH as a result. To have that part of the process that SHOULD be mechanized fail on me the very next day did not help at all.
I'm not a nurse.
But I got through it today - I think - and DH is off doing his thing again.
Tuesday is the last day I have to mess with IV bags and portable pumps, short of disconnecting DH from it utterly. But I don't know if I have to continue to flush the two ports into his arm everyday until they take it out. They're only telling me what I need to know at any given time.
I am SOOOOO ready for this to be over.
I'm not a nurse.
I still have no dreams, aspirations or wish to be one.
These past few days have proven that to be a wise move on my part.
Sorry. Just had to get that out. Thanks for listening for those who read the rant, and apologies to those who'd rather not hear such things. Hopefully I won't be in this state again for a good long time.