Here I sit, listening to the unseasonal thunder rattling outside my windows, grateful that when the time came for me to replace my old and failing computer system, I opted for a laptop that is fully capable of being unplugged and running on battery power during the storm. Why didn't I do this years ago??
And yes, if you're wondering, I'm still pulling air and hanging in there while being semi-housebound thanks to COVID. On a normal week, I'm out of the house maybe 3 times: 1) a major shopping jaunt with my son JJ; 2) to help my dear Russian friend Nina get one of HER two out-of-the-house times when she needs to shop; and 3) to go to my favorite coffee house and sit for an hour (now outside and duly social distanced) to yak with another dear friend. My son JJ has been off-work since mid-March, with the news being he'll probably have to wait until December or January before he can go back - if even then. Daughter Sul is also off work again, altho she returned to her little private salon for a total of three weeks from mid-June to beginning July. She called around and polled her clients and then decided she simply couldn't assure the level of sanitation outside that SHE felt necessary for her to properly give manicuring services to the public. Her fiance Lite is disabled, and so also unable to work. My brother and his wife in Arizona tested positive for the bug; she was over it pretty quickly and was back at work, while my brother had a harder time with the coughing and so on but has now recovered and is also back at work. If I worry for them, it is for them to suffer relapses as that has happened now.
I use my mornings to read the news, my email, and social media. That's about all of THAT I can stand.
And that's the report from the Aearwen household. Here's my wish to all of you that you stay safe and healthy, wear a mask if you need to go out (more to protect Them from You than You from Them, inasmuch as we're all in this together and need to work together to get on top of this damned bug) and be good to yourselves.
Take care.