Characters: Furiae, Caim
Date: Also tonight.
Summary: Furiae contacts Caim from her cute little purse laptop and explains her situation. It seems she got caught in a situation where she had one too many fuzzy navels. And this is why Caim doesn't want to let her go somewhere on her own.
Warnings: A woman going through a great number of moodswings. Oh. And Furiae's tipsy / drunk writing.
"Furiae" (9:42:33 PM): heheehee
"Caim" (9:43:05 PM): ......... Beg pardon?
"Furiae" (9:43:12 PM): caaaiiimmmmm
"Furiae" (9:43:22 PM): ???????????????
"Caim" (9:44:18 PM): ..........
"Caim" (9:44:20 PM): Furiae?
"Furiae" (9:44:38 PM): whoeseel wolud it beee?
"Caim" (9:45:09 PM): ... What did you do?
"Furiae" (9:45:17 PM): i feel funny
"Furiae" (9:45:22 PM): really warm
"Furiae" (9:45:29 PM): and giggily?
"Caim" (9:45:40 PM): ... Delirium, perhaps...?
"Furiae" (9:46:21 PM): no.. it was caled somethin else..
"Caim" (9:46:34 PM): A fever?
"Furiae" (9:46:46 PM): noo
"Furiae" (9:47:01 PM): i was a fuzzy navel.. hehehe
"Caim" (9:47:11 PM): ......... Hold that thought.
"Furiae" (9:47:14 PM): it*
"Furiae" (9:47:29 PM): i'm too giggily to type right..
"Caim" (9:47:36 PM): ... I can see that.
"Furiae" (9:47:41 PM): heheehe
"Caim" (9:47:56 PM): ...... How much of this... 'fuzzy navel' did you... ingest?
"Furiae" (9:48:10 PM): it was the first one.. i had oter stuff that peoople had
"Furiae" (9:48:43 PM): some didn't taste good and there were others tht were good.. RrrrrEEEEALLLY GOOD!!!!!!!11
"Caim" (9:48:59 PM): ......
"Caim" (9:49:05 PM): Have you eaten anything?
"Furiae" (9:49:14 PM): Somepeople were doing obdy shots but i didn't do those
"Furiae" (9:49:26 PM): i had lunch
"Furiae" (9:49:40 PM): adn thats it
"Caim" (9:51:00 PM): ...... You need to eat something else. Something with bread.
"Furiae" (9:51:23 PM): bread is goood
"Furiae" (9:51:30 PM): i like bread
"Furiae" (9:51:38 PM): sourdough is good
"Furiae" (9:51:44 PM): i don't like wheat
"Caim" (9:51:48 PM): Good. Go eat some. Correction. Go eat a lot of it.
"Furiae" (9:51:57 PM): but..
"Furiae" (9:52:03 PM): wont i get fat
"Caim" (9:52:09 PM): ......
"Caim" (9:52:17 PM): You sound like Alexandra.
"Furiae" (9:52:20 PM): i hear girls complaning about eating too much
"Furiae" (9:52:27 PM): but i don't see why it would be a problem
"Caim" (9:52:46 PM): ... Some are a little too involved with personal image.
"Furiae" (9:52:57 PM): ohh./.?
"Furiae" (9:53:24 PM): i don't think i can walk to get bread
"Caim" (9:53:32 PM): If you over eat continuously then... ...... Where exactly are you?
"Furiae" (9:53:41 PM): i got sick
"Caim" (9:53:48 PM): ......!
"Caim" (9:54:06 PM): Where are you?
"Furiae" (9:54:12 PM): abathroom
"Caim" (9:54:18 PM): ... Your bathroom?
"Caim" (9:54:24 PM): Or the bathroom of... somewhere else?
"Furiae" (9:54:35 PM): i dont know.. been in here a hwile
"Furiae" (9:54:54 PM): ithink someones roomt hat had drinks
"Caim" (9:55:21 PM): ...... You said you were going to Corsica, though! How did you wind up in someone else's room?!
"Furiae" (9:56:43 PM): wehn i was coming back i walked by a roomthat had music playing and people wer coming in and out and someone asked if i wanted to cme in. they were really nice and i saw more people inside so i didnt tink it would be bad iwth people there.. they were dirnking and i siad i never drank befire ad they said it was okay so i had some and then danced alittle an drank some more and more and osme more and got isck
"Caim" (9:57:52 PM): ...... I see.
"Caim" (9:58:05 PM): What did I say about going to others that might hurt you?
"Furiae" (9:58:22 PM): but they didn't look like they'd hurt me and they haven't
"Furiae" (9:58:37 PM): someone held my hair up while i threw up
"Caim" (10:01:14 PM): ... I'm fairly certain you didn't intend to cause conflict, but you need to be... First of all, you need to find your way back to your room.
"Furiae" (10:01:46 PM): okay i'l try andwalk there
"Furiae" (10:02:00 PM): someone said not to dirnk and drive.. does walking count there too?
"Caim" (10:02:54 PM): ... No. I will explain the difference at a later time.
"Furiae" (10:03:01 PM): ok
"Furiae" (10:03:11 PM): which way is my room?
"Caim" (10:03:41 PM): ... That... I can't... Why not ask which way the Mediterranean Hall is?
"Furiae" (10:04:06 PM): caim?
"Caim" (10:04:10 PM): ...
"Caim" (10:04:12 PM): Yes?
"Furiae" (10:04:15 PM): hehehehe
"Caim" (10:04:21 PM): ...What?
"Furiae" (10:05:20 PM): nothing
"Caim" (10:06:01 PM): ...Would you please get yourself at least to Mediterranean? I can likely escort you the remainder of the way.
"Furiae" (10:10:53 PM): CAIM
"Caim" (10:11:03 PM): Yes, Furiae?
"Furiae" (10:11:08 PM): hehehe
"Caim" (10:11:21 PM): ...... Have you made any progression at all?
"Furiae" (10:11:26 PM): Yes
"Caim" (10:11:30 PM): ....
"Caim" (10:11:35 PM): Thankfully.
"Caim" (10:11:48 PM): Have you gotten ill again along the way? Or are you done with that?
"Furiae" (10:12:03 PM): im feeling better
"Furiae" (10:12:08 PM): i had a dirnk befiore i elft
"Furiae" (10:12:10 PM): left
"Caim" (10:12:28 PM): ... Do not drink anything else, please. Unless it happens to be water.
"Furiae" (10:13:11 PM): oh..
"Furiae" (10:13:17 PM): ):
"Furiae" (10:13:33 PM): ):
"Caim" (10:13:53 PM): ...What... are you doing?
"Furiae" (10:16:09 PM): FROWNING
"Furiae" (10:16:24 PM): ): ): ): ): ):
"Caim" (10:16:32 PM): You are picking up poor habits from Aegean's inhabitants.
"Furiae" (10:16:40 PM): ...
"Furiae" (10:16:51 PM): ................
"Furiae" (10:16:55 PM): ...........................
"Furiae" (10:17:09 PM): i picked up caim habits too
"Furiae" (10:17:20 PM): ...
"Caim" (10:17:30 PM): ...
"Furiae" (10:17:34 PM): see!
"Caim" (10:17:49 PM): They often say you should respect your elders.
"Furiae" (10:17:56 PM): i respect you
"Furiae" (10:17:59 PM): and i..
"Furiae" (10:18:05 PM): nevermind
"Caim" (10:19:16 PM): ...
"Caim" (10:19:22 PM): What is it?
"Furiae" (10:19:41 PM): its nothing.. really
"Caim" (10:19:46 PM): ....
"Caim" (10:19:53 PM): Are you home?
"Furiae" (10:20:02 PM): looking formykey
"Caim" (10:23:39 PM): Make sure you eat something when you get in.
"Furiae" (10:24:59 PM): i will.. thank you
"Caim" (10:25:17 PM): ...... I... didn't do anything.
"Furiae" (10:25:22 PM): you talked with me
"Caim" (10:25:33 PM): Is there a reason I should not?
"Furiae" (10:25:43 PM): i dont know
"Furiae" (10:26:09 PM): morepeople are interesting to tlak to
"Caim" (10:26:16 PM): ......
"Caim" (10:26:22 PM): You've acted strange all day.
"Caim" (10:26:28 PM): Do you need help?
"Furiae" (10:26:40 PM): some dont wear panties and get your attntion..
"Caim" (10:27:42 PM): ....
"Caim" (10:27:46 PM): Furiae...
"Caim" (10:27:59 PM): Is that what you're upset about?
"Furiae" (10:28:16 PM): possibly
"Caim" (10:29:07 PM): .... You always have my attention.
"Furiae" (10:30:08 PM): ...
"Furiae" (10:30:20 PM): i know
"Caim" (10:30:38 PM): You are not anything like Alexandra. You do understand that?
"Furiae" (10:30:51 PM): maybe thats a bad thing?
"Caim" (10:31:02 PM): No. That is a very good thing.
"Furiae" (10:31:10 PM): is it?
"Caim" (10:31:22 PM): Why do you even want to be like her?
"Furiae" (10:31:52 PM): she might take you from me
"Furiae" (10:32:13 PM): if youeven want me
"Caim" (10:32:32 PM): ... It isn't like that.
"Caim" (10:32:56 PM): Alexandra is my sparring partner. She is a not-so-bright woman, however, a formidable opponent.
"Furiae" (10:33:16 PM): it could be more
"Caim" (10:33:30 PM): You should be you.
"Furiae" (10:33:46 PM): what if furiae isnt good enough
"Caim" (10:33:50 PM): ... Though, I have no right to tell you what to do, or how you should be.
"Furiae" (10:33:50 PM): pretty enough
"Caim" (10:33:57 PM): I think you are good enough.
"Caim" (10:34:02 PM): I think you are beautiful.
"Caim" (10:34:07 PM): Why are you so concerned?
"Furiae" (10:34:16 PM): i..
"Caim" (10:34:31 PM): ... Go on.
"Caim" (10:34:40 PM): You can say anything you need to.
"Furiae" (10:36:05 PM): while i was out i watched this couple 'break up' and he left her there crying.. i offered company to her and she said that he stopped loving her because this other better girl came long. she said if she were better she might have been able tokeep him
"Caim" (10:37:02 PM): ...... Look, Alexandra is Alexandra. Furiae is Furiae. Two completely different people. Alexandra is not going to become Furiae. Furiae is not going to become Alexandra.
"Furiae" (10:37:37 PM): alexandra can take furiaes place
"Caim" (10:37:57 PM): You say this like I have no choice in the matter.
"Furiae" (10:38:11 PM): does love give you a choice
"Caim" (10:38:31 PM): ... I... really don't know enough about it to answer that.
"Caim" (10:41:38 PM): I don't know where you're getting this idea of Alexandra and me. If anything, I'm attempting to ensure she doesn't do anything to you.
"Furiae" (10:42:01 PM): i know you are friends
"Caim" (10:42:22 PM): ...I guess you could call her that.
"Furiae" (10:43:41 PM): and being friends might develop more than friend feelings
"Furiae" (10:43:50 PM): like how inuart started loving me..
"Caim" (10:44:12 PM): ...
"Caim" (10:44:18 PM): Inuart cared for you very much.
"Furiae" (10:44:39 PM): and you could start caring for her like that
"Caim" (10:48:03 PM): ......
"Caim" (10:48:21 PM): Alexandra doesn't feel anything like that for me.
"Furiae" (10:48:29 PM): really?
"Caim" (10:48:41 PM): Really, really.
"Furiae" (10:48:51 PM): hehe
"Caim" (10:49:22 PM): So you can stop being so worried.
"Caim" (10:49:26 PM): Are you feeling better?
"Furiae" (10:49:50 PM): much
"Furiae" (10:50:01 PM): crackers count as bread?
"Caim" (10:50:04 PM): yes.
"Caim" (10:50:13 PM): Do you need me to bring you anything?
"Furiae" (10:52:32 PM): yourself
"Caim" (10:52:41 PM): ... Beg pardon?
"Furiae" (10:54:02 PM): i want to see you
"Caim" (10:55:49 PM): All right. Remember you will need your rest as well. We have classes tomorrow. You should be prepared for them.
"Caim" (10:55:58 PM): Solidor likes making his students work hard.
"Furiae" (10:56:10 PM): rawr
"Caim" (10:56:34 PM): ...... You may be fitting in better than I had hoped.
"Furiae" (10:56:43 PM): nah
"Furiae" (10:56:50 PM): just drunk
"Caim" (10:56:53 PM): ....
"Caim" (10:56:56 PM): Noted.
"Furiae" (10:57:02 PM): oh?
"Caim" (10:57:05 PM): ....
"Caim" (10:57:14 PM): I mean I'll be up in a few minutes.
"Furiae" (10:57:17 PM): caim
"Caim" (10:57:21 PM): ... Yes?
"Furiae" (10:57:29 PM): icanhascheeseburger
"Caim" (10:57:32 PM): ....
"Furiae" (10:57:34 PM): have you been there?
"Caim" (10:57:38 PM): No.
"Furiae" (10:57:43 PM): cute cats!
"Furiae" (10:58:00 PM): we can look at them when you get here!
"Caim" (10:58:01 PM): ...... I cannot say I have... ever really...
"Caim" (10:58:02 PM): ...
"Caim" (10:58:06 PM): As you wish.
"Furiae" (10:58:18 PM): unless you dont like cats
"Furiae" (10:58:25 PM): saying funny thing
"Furiae" (10:58:28 PM): thingssdfsd
"Caim" (10:59:18 PM): I have never owned a cat. I do not recall ever seeing a cat. And I was unaware they could speak.
"Furiae" (10:59:29 PM): they cant
"Caim" (10:59:39 PM): ...
"Caim" (11:00:02 PM): You need to find a new way to past time.
"Furiae" (11:00:07 PM):"Furiae" (11:00:10 PM): like that
"Furiae" (11:00:31 PM):"Furiae" (11:00:35 PM): look how cute
"Caim" (11:01:54 PM): Yes, you need an occupation
"Caim" (11:02:05 PM): You said you were interested in work, correct?
"Furiae" (11:07:09 PM): yes
"Caim" (11:07:44 PM): Then you should pursue that avenue.
"Furiae" (11:08:28 PM): do they have an opening where you work?
"Caim" (11:08:55 PM): ...... You should do something more suited to you, Furiae.
"Furiae" (11:09:05 PM): how is that no suited for me?
"Furiae" (11:09:07 PM): what is
"Furiae" (11:09:16 PM): i dont want to be goddesshere
"Caim" (11:09:57 PM): I am not claiming that you need to... do that. Not here. I simply meant you should find something that will... I am fairly certain Christel could answer that for you better.
"Furiae" (11:10:28 PM): oh
"Caim" (11:12:45 PM): Christel is the woman responsible for placing those in positions. I believe that was how I arrived in my position as well.
"Furiae" (11:13:00 PM): i will talk with her hten
"Caim" (11:14:01 PM): Leave that for another time. After classes tomorrow likely.
"Furiae" (11:14:18 PM): alright
"Caim" (11:14:36 PM): You will let me bring myself to your room then?
"Furiae" (11:14:56 PM): please
"Caim" (11:15:18 PM): Will do.
"Furiae" (11:15:35 PM): see you soon
"Caim" (11:15:42 PM): Yes, Furiae.