Characters: Caim, Sora
Date: Last Night
Summary: Sora is mad at Riku and wants Caim to do something about it. Caim is stuck on the idea of killing a kid. Sora just wants to egg a naked Riku bound to a tree.
Warnings: ... Nothing, I s'pose.
OG Keymastah (9:44:32 PM): Mister Caim Mister Caim....
"Caim" (9:44:56 PM): ...... Caim is fine.
OG Keymastah (9:45:35 PM): You know that smash the lemons with?
"Caim" (9:45:59 PM): Yes. The lemonade churner.
OG Keymastah (9:46:11 PM): Can you go smash someone's face in :O
"Caim" (9:46:29 PM): May I ask what the special occasion is?
OG Keymastah (9:46:38 PM): Because the guy's a jerk.
"Caim" (9:47:25 PM): I think you need a better reason than that. Who are you anyway? You're not that little kid who comes to Hotdog on a Stick and stares at me, are you?
OG Keymastah (9:47:57 PM): Maybe. But....the guy's mean. He's my bestfriend and...he just ignored my feelings.
"Caim" (9:48:59 PM): Best friends... ignoring feelings. Did you try talking to him?
OG Keymastah (9:49:45 PM): I did and he was like whatever. Bye.
"Caim" (9:50:45 PM): ...... Why haven't you 'smashed his face in'?
OG Keymastah (9:50:55 PM): I'm too sad.
"Caim" (9:51:35 PM): You could use your sadness and mourning and generate rage.
"Caim" (9:52:41 PM): Yes. Rage. Use your sorrow, turn it into rage.
OG Keymastah (9:53:54 PM): ....I'm not really the rage type though.
"Caim" (9:54:19 PM): How much damage do you want me to do?
OG Keymastah (9:54:39 PM): Just scare him a little bit? Errr..
"Caim" (9:54:57 PM): I thought you wanted me to slay him.
OG Keymastah (9:55:09 PM): ...:O Not slay. Just maim?
"Caim" (9:55:23 PM): So I can beat him to death.
OG Keymastah (9:56:33 PM): .......NO.
"Caim" (9:58:09 PM): Then I am just frightening him.
OG Keymastah (9:58:23 PM): Fiiiine. I'm just soo mad at him.
"Caim" (9:58:45 PM): Do I need to deliver any missives or parcels at the same time?
OG Keymastah (9:58:58 PM): Like a mailbomb?
"Caim" (9:59:10 PM): Beg pardon?
OG Keymastah (9:59:30 PM): OR OR OR OR A box with Polio in it.
"Caim" (10:00:17 PM): How about this? I'll scare him into submissive, knock him out with the hilt of my longsword, and tie him to... a tree. In Thracian Park or something like that.
OG Keymastah (10:00:27 PM): Naked
"Caim" (10:00:35 PM): Then you can go... ........................
"Caim" (10:00:39 PM): Are you serious?
OG Keymastah (10:00:45 PM): Throw eggs at him
"Caim" (10:00:57 PM): Naked?
OG Keymastah (10:01:00 PM): Yes,
OG Keymastah (10:01:04 PM): They'd sting moer
OG Keymastah (10:01:05 PM): more
"Caim" (11:19:55 PM): Well, then I guess that's what we'll do.