who: cecil and whoever decides to be at the beach. :o
what: following his confrontation with sasuke and promise to kain, cecil runs as far as he can. and needless to say ends up at the beach.
when: today
warning(s): most likely more confusion. :'(
Following waking up, discovering that he certainly wasn't in the safety of Baron's castle keep and his conversation with Kain, Cecil had not felt that staying around in a strange building with strange people was a very good idea, no matter how much it appeared Kain seemed to be perfectly happy doing such. This world terrified him truth be told; and all he could do was pretend it didn't and to keep running; keep looking. His mindset was rather simplistic; all he had to do was find the King. He had to be punishing whatever had taken them here, hadn't he? There was no doubt in his mind that the King of Baron was here. He wouldn't allow Cecil and Kain to be stolen away from the castle in the night. That was the end of it.
He knew everything. He wouldn't allow it, and there was no-one that could defeat him. So, he had to be here with them. And the boy knew that no matter how much this world scared him, he'd always feel safe at the King's side. So he looked. He'd been out for hours, and the sun was starting to set in the sky, leaving it bloody. He ran as far as he could have ran, until he reached the beach. He could go no further. Sighing; he decided to sit upon the sand to alleviate the fact his legs were aching- and he took a pebble in hand and threw it in the water dejectedly.
He couldn't very well go back now. Not after promising Kain that he'd find him. The young noble thought badly enough of him...