Which of your characters have you been the nicest to (or most lenient with)?
Lol I'm not particular nice to any of my characters, that's boring. Probably... Maureen? She lived a pretty decent life, all things considered. Relatively nice to Thae as well.
Which one have you tortured the most in your writing?
Pahaha. Everyone else? No. Probablyy... Betra, or Blake. Princess/Cian right behind them. :P
Are there any characters you wish you would have treated nicer? Are there any you wish you had treated worse than you did?
Hrm. Lily or Nyx, oddly enough? Only because Lily's end is... horrible and Nyx always gets nudged to the side. I should have been meaner to Lotta. 8|
Are there any canon relationships you regret writing?
I don't have too many canon relationships to begin with. Some I might not /enjoy/ writing, but I don't regret them~ they're necessary for stories. :)
Which character do you feel like you could get along with the most, if they were real? (And let’s admit, for writers, they are very real.)
I could chill with Sery any day. ;D
Which one would you punch?
Ethan. Holland sometimes. And Arro, a littlebit. Deadbeat. :|
How many of your characters are based off or inspired by people you’ve known in real life?
Honestly I can't think of any specific people I've based characters off of. Types of people, or certain emotions, absolutely.
What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever caught your characters doing?
They rarely get caught, I /am/ their mother after all.
Most shocking thing?
Talking behind my back isn't really too shocking, tbh. Or developing without me.
Do you ever have dreams about your characters? (And this could be simply because you’re thinking of them too much. I once played so much solitaire a few years back, that I dreamt I was playing it in my sleep.)
Not really. Maybe a couple times, but nothing noticeable or that I remember.
Which character would make the best parent? The worst?
Lotta'd be the worst mom ever. Thae would make a good parent... probably Alexis, too.
Do your characters actually have families, with siblings and parents? Or are they often orphans? Do some of them just seem to never mention their families, as if they came from absolutely nowhere?
About half have families, the rest just don't have enough development for me to answer that. XD No orphans, though. Which should probably be a good thing.
What was your (most recent) favorite scene to write?
A couple of Lotta's were fun before I just started overusing her. :P
Have you ever severely neglected a character, even forgotten one completely for a while, only to remember them much later?
All of the time. 8D
If you could know one thing about any of your characters that they haven’t told you yet, what would it be?
Lan's sexual orientation. :D And a lot of Ies' brainthoughts.
Which one do you feel is the strongest mentally? Physically?
Princess is pretty strong mentally, as must as he falters there's a pretty strong will there. Physicaaally... I wanna say Dei, lol. And Mael I guess.
Which one is the weakest mentally? Physically?
Holland's pretty weak mentally, sort of in contrast of his brother. And Emi's pretty weak physically, poorthing. XD
Have you ever thought you were going to hate a character, but turned around and liked them?
Uhhh. I still don't like Ethan. :D
Name two characters you think have the most in common with each other. Do you think they would get along?
Do any share your taste in music?