1. Dress appropriately. No jeans, sneakers, tee-shirts. A gown is necessary for opening night and evening performances. Rehearsals and mid-day performances require a dress or an elegant non-work type suit
2. Personal grooming is absolutely necessary, but do not overburden yourself with perfume and the like. God knows if you really have good taste in
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Comments 21
And, if I may ask, when will that opera that was being rehearsed be performed?
*crosses fingers behind her back while thinking "Please say December 24th... Please say December 24th..."*
Well, although the recent murder might push us back a little, the show must go on. I believe it runs from the 24th December to 24th April.
*smiles* *resists urge to huggle Amelia*
Um... How much is the opening night?
*Is happy the urge was resisted. She guesses*
Don't be silly. Your tickets will be on hold at the box office. I'll have them hold orchestra seats for you.
What if the wrech you kill is a lycan?
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