Funny, I wasn't aware it was a PRIVELEDGE to rp on a FREE site but rather isn't it a right? It's free and public.
here Um.
dot dot fucking dot
No, Cliffy. It IS a privilege to roleplay on a privately maintained and operated server and chat system.
Let me refresh you:
Main Entry: 1priv·i·lege
Pronunciation: \ˈpriv-lij, ˈpri-və-\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin privilegium law for or against a private person, from privus private + leg-, lex law Date: 12th century
: a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor ; especially : such a right or immunity attached specifically to a position or an office
Yuh huh. A right granted AS A FAVOR. And one that can be revoked as that site owner sees fit. That is, after all, what a BAN is.
Go back to playing in your own little sandbox, deary. Or not, whatever. After all, it provides endless amusement for me when you don't. :)