"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
Jeremie quoted that to me a long time ago. It was way back when he was still trying to create my materialization program, back when we thought I was nothing but a simple computer sprite. He had succeeded at his most recent attempt at the program but XANA attacked before we could implement it. During our fight to reach his activated tower Yumi fell into the Digital Sea. Falling into the digital sea in Lyoko isn't like having all of your life points taken by XANA's monsters; if someone falls in, they don't materialize back in the real world. The only plausible solution was Jeremie's new materialization program, but there was just one catch.
Only one person could be materialized. After that the program would cease to function, and Jeremie would have to start over again. My one chance at freedom was also the only way to save Yumi.
I told Jeremie to use the program to bring Yumi back.
"She's a part of your world already," were my exact words. I was so close to being free that I could almost taste it, which sounds rather strange considering a person has no senses on Lyoko. I could have told Jeremie to materialize me, shut down the supercomputer and leave Yumi to whatever fate had befallen her. I could have been with Jeremie a lot sooner, perhaps with all of my memories intact. But Yumi had friends, a family in the real world who would notice she was missing and worry about her. Grieve for her. Who did I have in the real world? No one aside from my friends, who were also Yumi's friends. I couldn't do it. I couldn't be that selfish.
After Yumi was materialized, Jeremie and I talked for a while about what had happened. I knew he had been just as tempted as I was to materialize me instead of Yumi. That's when Jeremie brought up that Star Trek quote. Even though what I had done hadn't determined the survival of the entire school, like Spock's sacrifice had done for the crew of the Enterprise, it still had an impact. Our lives wouldn't be the same if any member of our little group was gone.