HAI EVERYBODY I'M BACK. Miss me? Right now I'm in a bit of a post-adventure melancholy, but I'm also glad to be back in my beautiful little quiet town, where - though everyone might not know my name - at least they know, "Hey, it's that gaijin." (I like being the only one ; )
Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara in seven days, people - it's doable. Though I could have planned it better, no major disasters happened.
Osaka is dirty and noisy and friendly. All the train conductors sound like they're practicing comedy routines. There's more graffitti, more homeless. Forget the Obaachan Rock, I was a big fan of the Ojiichan - if only because they were so clearly fans of me. Little old men all over Japan are fascinated by me, but their Kanto brothers are more subtle. In Osaka I got stared at and called to and one even seranaded me enka-style. If the worse thing they call me is ojousama than it's better than America. I did eat takoyaki - it wasn't the best thing ever but it wasn't as bad as I was dreading. The Kansai transportation sucks so much compared to Tokyo's.
First day I was recovering from the bus trip over so I just wandered around Osaka Castle Park. It's very relaxed and clear - many people excercising. Behind the Hall there was a
fleet of vans with "The Alfee" painted on them which made me happy. The Castle is huge and the view is beautiful. My hotel was in an interesting neighborhood - there was an alleyway behind with dozens of stand-up noodle shops and men drinking beer at eight in the morning and a real Go Parlour! Just like "Hikaru" - but there was no one under fifty. And no girls, so I just stood outside and watched for a while. Go!
Second Day was Nara. Oh, you guys... Go see Nara. I don't care if it takes your entire life, just get there someday. It's so beautiful and peaceful and quiet. Tsuyoshi would be Tsuyoshi no matter where he was from, but I can't help but feel that he's even more awesome because he came from such a place. Though I wasn't a fan of the deer - they're nowhere near as pretty as the deer where I'm from - and they add the same quality to the area that the livestock added to the Nativity scene. Namely, the smell. But still, a wonder place - and I can't even convey how awe-inspiring the Daibutsu is - the human mind cannot comprehend. Also, Gango-ji is awesome - not so much because of the famous roof-tiles, but because of all the tiny worn Buddhas, row upon row of them, all unique (and one inexplicable tiny devil.)
I went to Kyoto on three days - I didn't get to see everything because (1) a lot of things are closed around New Years (2) a lot of things are insanely busy so that one bus trip takes an entire day (3) I got hella sick in multiple ways. But I still saw: Kinkakuji - so shiny! I'm afraid none of my pictures will turn out because it's so reflective. Ryoan-ji - I walked in and almost walked right out thinking, "Didn't I just see this?" because it's so familiar from doramas and movies. My favorite part was the mossy garden behind the famous bit. Fushimi Inari Taisha - so the hundreds of bright orange torii do get less impressive after the first impact, but if you keep climbing up there's an amazing view, and also this fascinating cluster of ancient graves with foxes guarding them - I took a dozen pictures of this one tiny area from different angles. Kiyomizu-dera - big! All sorts of love-and-fertility charms. And there's a cute little statue that says, "Daikoku to be patted" so I did. Ryozen Kannon - calm and sweet-smelling - they give you a stick of incense - slightly creepy music, though. I really wanted to see the nightingale floor in Nijo Castle but it was closed!
Back to Osaka - Tempozan, world's biggest ferrish wheel or not? The aquarium - mantas are weirdly cute.
And okay, okay, the concert. First I met
kaede_hikari and friends the night before which was nice. I love meeting LJ people <3 And I was scared of going through the concert goods line by myself - I thought it would be the nightmare that the official shop is. But so easy! Before I was determined to buy pamphlet, blanket, bento. I ended up also getting an uchiwa (baby's first!) and a penlight so I wouldn't be lonely having nothing to wave, and a shopping bag - I was reluctant to pay 600 for a shopping bag but it saved my life later getting all the omiyage home. And then the concert <3 I can't tell you much because I absolutely wasn't taking notes this time, just enjoying it. But one thing that stood out, even though of course The Kinki Kids can handle countdown on their own, I was still really happy when we connected to everyone in Tokyo Dome. It was like, all our sister-fangirls over there, and that strange fraternity environment that is Johnny's, for a few seconds. And then making fun of kouhai when the feed ended. Which never gets old. I was really far away, I couldn't see a thing. They barely touched, I'm glad to hear the night after they lived up to their reputation. I was a bit worried that thirty-years-old meant not giving into fan-service anymore. Who the hell does the background videos for the concerts, they're so wierd - the cows in costumes and raggedy andy and the tower of piza? I'm not too fond of the new song but I'm sure it will grow on me.
And I was a little lonely the next night, knowing a concert was going on that I couldn't go to. But there were things on TV that made up for it - the Johnny's allstars challenge. Taichi gatecrashing News Zero with "Sakurai, play soccer, uwaa, the News!" and poor Sho-kun, "Sempai, you're too hyper... " And Leader. Bowling. Something with Shirota doing magic and Endou and Kaji doing gymnastics - poor boys look dreadful but they did well. And okay, this show where they tested the Culture of different celebrities by having them taste-test expensive wine versus cheap, steak, music, etc. And they had Gackt - you know he's going to ace this because he probably practices at home. And then they put him in the same room with Daigo. "If I get this wrong," he says, "I'll change my namei to Dackt." I love him - the two of them are a priceless combination because isn't Daigo performing sort of a Gackt parody? "You can be Gaigo." And of course everyone else is wrong and Gakuto-chan says "Yosh!" with the most emotion I've ever seen from him.
So the day I left I wandered Osaka. Ryokuchi park is lovely and calm and bright, and there was someone practicing saxophone. And I people-watched on Ebisu-bashi. There are incredible sales on New Years - there's these bags for a set amount that have various things in them, but I'm too picky. I shopped so much this trip! I probably spent half a month's paycheck. I bought a lucky charm at just about every shrine and temple, and some cute gloves and
scarf and a purse and jewelry.
I just barely had enough money. See, my bank (aka the Post office) was closed for a week, and I'd purposely withdrawn a limited amount of money before then so I wouldn't do anything insane like try to get a ticket for Koichi's birthday from a scalper. I walked through the door with 15 yen in my pocket.
But see, it's lonely traveling alone. I couldn't eat out because it's embarassing being in a restaurant alone, I couldn't take pictures of sites with someone peace-signing in them. I love travel, but I 'm glad to be home. It was a good trip. I'm really tired now.
the billboard at Harajuku is made of sexy.