This month marks the 5th anniversary of the MER, Mars Rover mission landings. Spirit and Opportunity, expected to work for 90 days, continue to send back data today. Found a delightful article written by an MER fan in the UK here.
Cam's already said it, but hey. Working on laundry, have a couple of students to teach, then pack up the hubby and the dog and too many presents into the car to head for Mom's.
Stress Level: High
So, for what it's worth, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Joyous Yule, and Happy Non-Secular Day Off.
Down in the dumps today. Trying to buck it up so I don't take it out on the students later. I need to convince myself to think more like the dog
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Not enough coffee in the world. At least not in my house. Agreed to do early lessons this morning because I was planning on going to mom's house. After this was agreed, mom changed her mind. Again. Yes, I'm grouchy
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Despite its name, Oktoberfest actually starts in September in Munich, so this is probably a little late. Ah well. I've already played one Oktoberfest concert this season, and hopefully I'll see one or two more.
Genieße das Leben ständig! Du bist länger tot als lebendig! Constantly enjoy life! You're longer dead than alive!
OK, I remember enough geo-geekery that I've become fascinated with the Mars exploration robots and satellites. I think it's so cool that the rovers on Mars now (Spirit and Opportunity) have survived two years when they were expected to last 90 days. Especially after the failed missions several years ago. I love seeing what the scientists here
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So every once in a while I have ideas for alternative fuels. Way out there. Some I don't dare post here, cause I'd get thrown off lj so fast I'd bounce. But this one...
Elissa, make sure you don't have anything in your mouth.