Title: White Day
aemrithPairing: Yamada Ryosuke / Shida Mirai
Genre: Drama, Romance, Friendship
Warning: There are a few swear words here and there (very minimal though); I’ve said it just so it doesn’t come as a shock to anyone ;D
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Comments 4
Gosh I wish Mirai at least screamed this off to that blockhead -_-
But it's better to have a late start than not trying to start at all :")
Thank you for a superb writing, Aem-san!! ^^/
But no really... Ryosuke is such an idiot *face palm*
I really really am happy you gave this a shot Cecille-san! Thank you always! <3
Hisashiburi aemrith-san~
With the broken heart at the first part and almost all entry because of your stupid, Yamaa... <\3 You really playing safe, nee... Baka Yama... But, after all.. You are really lucky to have her.. :)
Thank you for this updated ;)
Omg ate Aem... you dont know how much I needed this!!!!
Sorry I'm so late to read.. it was my sister's birthday kasi so I've been busy alongside work.
First of all, how cute are they?!
Do you think if they read this, they'll finally realise they are perfect for each other??? *emails this to Ryo-chan* hahahaha..
“You can make a slave out of me and I wouldn’t care.”
Darn it Ryosuke!! What I'll do to make anyone say that to me... lol~
Also also, I've been thinking why Yuto broke up with Ohgo... it's because he's meant for Ruu-chan! for Pete's sake!!!
Anyways... sorry my comment is all over the place, Ate. You know me, I'm like this when excited. ><
I miss your writing so much... sabi nga ni Yama, it stings 100x!! Lmao.
You made my day ate! I lurve you!
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