Title: Rum and Coke
Characters: Wesley, Cordelia. (I really tried to do pairing but only ended up with friendly snuggles - sorry!)
Rating: PG
Timeline: Set in Season 1 of AtS, after Sanctuary
Thanks: To
agilebrit for beta-ing, because semi-colons? They mystify me.
Rum And Coke )
Comments 5
“You work for a vampire,” she reminded him pointedly.
Hee hee. Love the banter. So cute. Though Steve McQueen, not his type? I think Wesley doth protest too much. And now I want to know what his theory is.
Wesley can come watch videos and have theories on my couch any time. I'm just saying.
... and I apologize for not commenting before, but between mega-work-drama and a nasty head cold, I've been kind of sidelined recently. And I didn't want to read my requested fic until I'd finished my own fluffyfic (see prior reasons for delay above). : ) Thank you again!
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