May 13, 2007 17:34

stolen from buddha_loves_me who totally stole it from someone else. :)

01. Default

:))) Made to match my layout. YAY. Starring Hikaru Hitachiin. XD *hearts;* to him.

02. Oldest

I couldn't figure out which one of the 3 older ones were the oldest, but this one is pretty old... 'specially considering I made it in PSP and it was from the early days of Furuba. :)) YAY. I rarely use this one anymore though. :p

03. Newest

Made for my most recent icon challenge. :)) Yuuko is awesome. TRC is awesome. CLAMP is awesome.

04. Saddest

I had a hard time with this one. I have several really sad ones, but I rarely use them and it was hard to choose between the ones I have. In the end, I chose Machi, because the others... even though they were sad, didn't convey the feelings I feel when I think of Machi's story and her pain. -.-

05. Happiest

Another hard one, but in the end... happy Kyoru gave in. :)

06. Angriest

I don't have many real angry ones, but this is the one I tend to use when I'm really frustrated or upset, so I'll use it here.

07. Cutest

OH EM GEE. An image not made by me. Which is why it's cuter than the others. :) That is besides the fact that it has bunny!Momiji on it.

08. Sexiest

This one wasn't hard. YukixMachi kiss sing = omgyay.

09. Funniest

I've had this one for awhile and I love using it when I'm hyper.

10. Favorite 'ship

YukixMachi, yet again. :) From the same challenge, too. XD But I had to go for YukixMachi. I love KyoxTohru, but I knew how that one would turn out from the beginning and was very happy when Machi showed up on the scene and kind of, y'know, got found by Yuki. XD YAY.

11. Favorite Fandom

Fruits Basket. It's what turned me into a near hardcore manga fangirl. I had read manga before that, and had loved it, but not nearly as much as I did when it came to Furuba. To me, Furuba gave me strength and hope when I needed it the most and still provides it at time. It's just... a lot of fun, at the same time, makes me think about life and the world around me. It's great.

12. Most Used

I'm going to have to use this one again, because I use it all the time. I use it when I comment a ton and just love it. :) It's easy to use.

13. Favorite That I Made

I haven't used it much yet, but I love this one. I made it for my current iconfiend. I love the color, the image, the textures, and waaah. I just like it.

14. Favorite at the Moment

Made by _akisame for 10_lyricons using Rin from Furuba... omg. It's pretty. And it fits well. I've used it quite a bit lately, because I love it so much.

15. Favorite Overall

TamakixHaruhi! YOU ARE SO COOL! I love using this when I'm commenting on your journals. BECAUSE YOU ARE SO COOL.

16. Do your icons make a statement about you?
For the most part, yes. :) I'm a generally happy person whose kind of wacky and complex (not really). BUT YEAH. :)

17. Of which fandom do you have the most icons?
Easily Fruits Basket. I've got 63 of those. Next comes Ouran, with about 25. Then I've got other randoms (like TRC, WJ, HK, and a couple of other random things)

18. Of which 'ship do you have the most icons?
Kyoru, Yukichi, TamaHaru, and the Twins.

19. How do you categorize your icons?
character -> emotion. I don't do by fandom anymore, since they're mostly furuba and ouran. :)

20. Are your icons made mostly by other users?
Mostly by me. I do have several by others, but I tend to like to have mine, because I find them easier to use when I'm commenting in communities and whatot.

21. Do you make icons?
:) Yes. XD merrychildicons

22. Are they any good?
I think they are. I see them being used a lot by others, which is fun (I love seeing my icons being used to post at other peoples' icon posts).

23. Animated icons are...
Ditto'ing Robin here, they're neat if they're done properly. I used to make animated icons, when I had animation shop... I haven't figured out image ready yet.

24. In general, I think icons...
are a wonderful waste of time and useful for the purpose of procastination. XD It's fun to come up with a billion different ways to make a small block of pixels become a small piece of art. :)
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