Title: Loose Ends Author: Nia Rating: R Show: ER Pairing: Abby/Susan Summary: "It's like the sex you never had in the call room, the goodbye you never gave her."
oooh, it's another one where I don't think they're going to have sex, and then you manage to make them do it. such a nice surprise! interesting twist on the first-time fic, when it happens as a coda or afterthought. lovely!
First of all I appologise as I'm another mysterious lurker - I found your writing many, many months ago through er communities and I loved it. You're such a talented writer and I know I should have commented a lot sooner about your work. I'm always searching for er pairings with Abby, Susan and Neela, and you are one of the finest writers I've come accross so far. I espcially love "right", "Last Night" and "the devil may care".
"You sit in the driver's seat, curling your hair around your finger. Down the block, they're leaving Susan's house, the cardiologists and the surgeons and the students who've never kissed her." Beautiful lines, and the little details you include...you have the characters down really well.
Thankyou for posting some beautiful (and sexy!) pieces :)
(and while I'm here - you make some darn good maura tierney icons too,)
Hello! Nice to meet you. :) And thank you so much. I'm always glad to satisfy someone's Abby/Susan/Neela cravings--in their various combinations, they are my favorite pairings of all time, and it makes me sad that there's so little of them out there.
Comments 17
Thanks for posting it, hope to read more soon xx
First of all I appologise as I'm another mysterious lurker - I found your writing many, many months ago through er communities and I loved it. You're such a talented writer and I know I should have commented a lot sooner about your work. I'm always searching for er pairings with Abby, Susan and Neela, and you are one of the finest writers I've come accross so far. I espcially love "right", "Last Night" and "the devil may care".
"You sit in the driver's seat, curling your hair around your finger. Down the block, they're leaving Susan's house, the cardiologists and the surgeons and the students who've never kissed her." Beautiful lines, and the little details you include...you have the characters down really well.
Thankyou for posting some beautiful (and sexy!) pieces :)
(and while I'm here - you make some darn good maura tierney icons too,)
Lizzie xXx
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