"The Book of Ambition" - Battlestar Galactica

Apr 09, 2006 23:04

Written for liz_estrada at getyourtoaster.

Title: The Book of Ambition
Author: Nia
Rating: R
Show: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Roslin/Cain (pre-holocaust)
Spoilers: Through episode 2.11, "Resurrection Ship Part I," aired 1-6-2006.
Summary: "She is still a lieutenant, and Richard Adar is still a mayor. You are a school principal, and lately your mother has not been ( Read more... )

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Comments 37

recced! leavethesky April 10 2006, 04:37:13 UTC
This is absolutely fucking brilliant. I can't even begin to pull quotes, because I'd end up pulling everything. Roslin as the teacher with a weakness for rebellious students. The pairings and the mirroring of Kara>Cain. I love how much you can show without telling us. The narrowing of the eyes as the only cue in the first paragraph that this is Cain, not Kara.

Just beautiful. Thank you for this.


Re: recced! aeonian April 10 2006, 15:38:00 UTC
Aw, thank you! I've never had a BSG fic recced before. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


beerbad April 10 2006, 06:14:59 UTC
Pedagogy kink woohoo!!!!!!! *g*

... I'm dying for a Roslin/Cain/Starbuck follow-up now ;)


aeonian April 10 2006, 16:36:55 UTC
Mmm...hot for teacher.

Ye shall receive...sort of. Julie and I have a plan.


mikee_pm April 10 2006, 07:40:48 UTC
this is good.
a pleasure to read.


aeonian April 10 2006, 16:37:11 UTC
Thank you. :)


fahye April 10 2006, 09:01:19 UTC
Oh, man. I saw the link on the_wireless and was interested to see how if anyone could pull off the pairing, but this is great; sharp, ruthless, clean and pared down.


aeonian April 10 2006, 16:38:11 UTC
Thank you! I heart them. Powerful ladies make good fic.


quasiradiant April 10 2006, 14:07:52 UTC
gorgeous! just gorgeous. brought to a beautiful, broken climax with the unexpected "for the first time in two months, there is silence."

also, BRING ME KARA THRACE. hahahahahaha.


projectcyborg April 10 2006, 14:55:59 UTC
I looked up the actual line -- it's "would you please get me lieutenant Thrace" and she says it to Billy in KLG1. but our way is better!


aeonian April 11 2006, 00:35:17 UTC
It is SO much better! I was so sad when you told me the real version (even though it meant I didn't hallucinate it), and I was all, "Oh woe, I have to change it!" But...no, it's better this way!


aeonian April 10 2006, 16:40:55 UTC
I HAD TO USE IT! I swear to Roslin God, one day I am going to go into a restaurant and look at the menu and be like, "Bring me Kara Thrace."

Also, thank you.


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