"Bare" - The Devil Wears Prada

Jul 01, 2006 02:21

Posted nowhere else.

Title: Bare
Author: Nia
Rating: PG-13
Show: The Devil Wears Prada (movie)
Pairing: Miranda/Andrea
Spoilers: The whole damn thing.
Summary: "She has seen you bare in many ways: no makeup, no husband. But you have never seen her naked, not truly, and all you remember now is black lashes and fringed hair, that mouth the color of ( Read more... )

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Comments 34

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aeonian July 1 2006, 15:45:04 UTC
That would have been a much better movie.


quasiradiant July 1 2006, 22:23:21 UTC
OMG i hate natalie portman! you are so wrong! now, i have decided i would've liked it far more if jodie foster had been miranda. BUT.


aeonian July 2 2006, 02:05:35 UTC
Ew, no, Meryl all the way! I hate Natalie Portman too, though. It's just...Anne Hathaway?


quasiradiant July 1 2006, 15:40:31 UTC
oh nia! you are so quick! we are going to see this today, but what a lovely little introduction.


aeonian July 1 2006, 15:46:20 UTC
Oh, now you're spoiled! I just had to write it last night before I fell asleep and forgot all the relevant lines, though.


norbertlovat October 9 2008, 17:26:54 UTC
Yep, we’ll see you at your appointment next Wednesday - if we don’t see you before that. I was telling her what I posted about yesterday, that the waiting is not the worst thing but the false starts and rather nauseating pattern of raised expectations and dashed hopes.


furies July 1 2006, 15:40:56 UTC
haven't seen it yet - t-minus two hours and counting - but i loved the line about the march issue and oh, i love your second person and this was all so beautiful and full of pretty pictures, just the way it should be.


aeonian July 1 2006, 15:47:37 UTC
Thank you!

Is everyone in the world going to see this movie, or what? It sold out in Jersey last night.


furies July 1 2006, 22:24:56 UTC
i swear, the WORLD is seeing this movie. the theater at 68th and 42nd were showing two showings at 3. our theater was packing - ironically with old women. must be the meryl streep thing.

however i want to write emily/miranda. too bad the movie came out so late, i would write it for the porn battle! which laura is making me do . . . SIGH.

such pretty clothes in the movie! i want access to the closet! and nigel! man. i love pretty clothes.


aeonian July 2 2006, 02:09:58 UTC
Yeah! Old people! The line for the sold-out show was like, us, fifteen teenage girls, and a pack of old people.

Emily/Miranda is definitely good. LE and I are discussing it right now, and it is awesome. There should definitely be some sort of Miranda Priestly exception to the porn battle deadline, because I would write that too.

Aw, Nigel. And clothes! And Nigel!


projectcyborg July 3 2006, 02:10:33 UTC
this is probably going to make more sense after I've seen the movie. which apparently everyone already went to see without me! *pout* I know nothing about it except that from the posters it looked like crossgen girlslash galore. this is HOT!

but when did I give you permission to write random ficlets, huh?!?


aeonian July 3 2006, 02:22:08 UTC
I'll go see it again! Unless you're one of those people who squees through movies, in which case I will not.

but when did I give you permission to write random ficlets, huh?!?

When they're for the porn battle, where LE and Steph and I are a Devil Wears Prada fandom unto ourselves!


projectcyborg July 3 2006, 15:25:56 UTC
well, you didn't say it was for the porn battle! that's OK then.

I'll see what I can do about the movie. I'm still stressed out.


projectcyborg July 6 2006, 13:46:48 UTC
oooh, I read it again! definitely richer -- and 80x hotter -- after seeing the movie. eeeeeee! OK, I see why you had to go behind my back to write it, now ;)


tellitslant July 6 2006, 14:28:56 UTC
Oooh, yum. Great Miranda POV. This is the movie that ate the femslash fandom, isn't it? (yay)


pretentiousgit July 7 2006, 03:19:05 UTC
Holy crap is it ever. It's such a love/hate letter to the women's beauty industry. Honestly. Fashion is the only thing melodramatic enough to keep up with girlsex.


aeonian July 17 2006, 22:23:26 UTC
Oh, I neglected your comment! Yes, it is like, the gayest movie alive, and I love it. Thank you!


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