++ALERT: Spacelord of Chaos approaching Stupidland++

Feb 03, 2007 12:59

amberwoodrose sent me a thing last night telling me to update my LJ after 4 weeks of vacuum. I havent bothered cause its been pretty cold and boring around here lately, except for a few surprise tech support jobs. Instead of starting a new semester of art school, which has been cancelled due to lack of adequate or timely financial aid, Ive been temping at another college bookstore, a once OK job now completely stupid job for what is now the minimum wage, where after I paid $35 for the privelege of parking on campus just to temp there 20 hours a week, I find theres never any parking anywhere within a 20 minute walk of the place anyway. Meanwhile the paycheck I was supposed to get today is delayed until tomorrow so its one more thing to do.

Anyway. The general chaos alert is out: I find out last night an ecentric friend, Spacelord G-Long for the PDXers who know the man, is currently and spotaneously heading north this way out of NYC, driving someones driveaway car up here, to come abscond with me as a shanghaied co pilot cross-country to Arizona/CA in the next 5 days...??!!!??? Needless to say Im not exactly ready to get in a car with the hypomanic Lord Long even to buy a soda down the street let alone drive 3000 miles across country...just to get on a plane and come back here to I dont know what ...esp with no money whatsoever and a killer cold snap blasting across the plains up this way even now...and when I already have flight plans for March to north CA. He said he hates to plan things but the rest of the world still mostly works this way. On top of everything else he picked the one night weve had snow in 2 months.

Why? Why? WHY? Why must everything happen all at once?? WHY???

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