So Guilty Crowne starts off, with the hot (is she loli? or just looks young?) with barely there clothes, than, she seems to be running away from the people that are chasing her. She goes to this little robot thing called "Gai" whom she seems to be protecting. Cut scene back to the guy. who seems like an emo person. Or maybe just angsy, anyways he basically tells us where we are at in the anime. We are in a sub-japan after some incident. They are currently leeching off of other countries and can't support themselves. Than we cut to school, in school we see he rather normal, if not a semi loner but not the loner type that has no friends (gees where have I see this lols) well anyways that there is another cut scene, where he is going to his hide-out place (is he in middle school?) where he has a super bad ass comp, with a super bad ass monitor. And sees half-naked girl....
After this than we find out why he was watching her on his phone, she seems to be a singer, from this band called egoist. Than some guys barge in, and drag her away on the fact that she is involved with terrorist activities. The vagina guy does nothing and instead narrates some junk saying how he should have done something.
Seems like the chick stole some level 3 genom. Well we don't know what that is, and neither does the important looking guy sitting at the desk. We see the chick with the barley there clothes getting threatened. Btw I didn't mention it but there is some big looking meccha things. We find out Gai is this hot bad-ass looking guy, if I was looking at this from a yaoi prespective I would say he is semi and bishie guy is def uke. Lols either way stuff happens he returns robot thing, to Gai, and than they go to save Iroi (the barely there girl with hardly any clothes).
Than stuff happens and they are saving her. They are about to get hit by the robot and BLAM! Like Penguindrum when she initiates the survival strategy. That he looks like lelouch for a couple of seconds.
And than pull out bad ass sword of doom.
Episode 14 was sigh after the storm. After 3 awesome episodes this felt like okay but not AWESOME. Well Yuri is actually a lesbian. To be honest I always thought so with a name like Yuri, it seems like something Ikuhara would do. Hide something in broad daylight lols. I never could put my finger on it but I guess the guy that plays the love interest in "Story of M" was a girl. meh, I didn't really care she was ugly anyways. I wonder why she was okay with Yuri getting married. It's interesting right?
This part made me cry...I mean when Ringo is finally not being a little crazy, I mean she gets shut down? She is really a nice person. WAHHHH I am totally shipping these two (I just learned what shipping was like two weeks ago, so I'm using it now!) Please get together!
So the Sanetoshi scene...there must be meaning to this other than they just wanted to make Sanetoshi even more fablous that he already is. I kept my eyes on the bunnies, cause they are strange, and also they look awesome. So I think he is trying to cheer her up. Also he says something along the lines after a couple more times she'll be okay to Shouma. I think Sanetoshi obivously doesn't need money so why is he doing it. I think he wants to spend time with his princess. The time he couldnt spend with her before.
After this other than Natsume scene being a complete badass, I wasn't interested. It was predictable, after it was confirmed that Yuri knew Momoka. So whose diary is it? It seems like there is alot of overwhelming evidence that says that this might be Yuri's diary (however I'm so glad that Yuri doesnt equal Momoka). I still don't think Tabuki is clueless, or maybe Yuri has Tabuki in on it. Like he planted the diary. He seems like a person easily lead so maybe that's it. Someone said that maybe the thing she is trying to hide is a scar. Although hmmm it seems pretty evident that maybe she was made fun of by others that knew her or saw it. I wouldn't say she is transgender or even a man. Although with all the gender switching maybe? How come Yuri wasn't at Momoka's funeral, I mean Tabuki is there? Maybe she was with Momoka? Maybe Momoka saved her? Oh one thing, maybe the thing with tabuki is something like he is in a cage, I bet Yuri gave him that scar. Btw I still dont think Tabuki is an airhead, this guy knows something I duno what, but maybe he is in it with Yuri. The one thing I want to know is Shouma saw Sanetoshi? I still think that he couldn't?
Also one more thing I want to know is, is that what about Momoka was so awesome? I mean she must have been a goddess, no maybe a witch?
Okay so Un-Go was good. I didn't really get the stuff before the opening credits. But my guess is probably a spoiler. So I'll save it for the end. The opening is eh, whatever, the end theme song is hot though, I like it. Well this is yet another anime that introduces tons of characters in one sitting so it was super hard for me to keep track of names. The art was nice to look at, its different from anime art, it looks semi avant gart. Like characters with rather different faces. Although my bf said...are those people suppose to be chinese....well tell for yourself. So anyways, the girl is the daughter of a reknowned advisor/detective/hacker?? possibly genius? Anyways he sends his kid as his proxy, it seems her dad rarley leaves the house, and people don't actually think he is real, or that he might not be real. So before I continue it's a detective drama. So it makes it fun to watch, since I hope its gonna stay episodic! I was totally guessing the same person the whole time, but I was confused cause I didn't know how they could switch places. So out 10 points I would give it a 7.5.
Awesome creepy panda boy shot!
What is even cooler the panda boy turns into sexy panda women
One more pic, which this women seems to have the power to ask any question she wants, and they have to answer it. This is the effect, its quite awesome!