Moonlit Darkness

Aug 19, 2010 23:11

Title: Moonlit Darkness
Author: Aeries_Amethyst
Series: Chaptered
Rating: T
Genre: Horror, Fantasy, Supernatural, Drama, Action, Romance, Comedy


Summary: Some how, with just one chance meeting with a person she'd least expected, she ended up being plunged into the world of the supernatural and beyond. A past that she was shunned from, a best friend who is out to kill her and a boy who may just end up being a big part of her future...Curiousity was definitely going to kill the cat at this rate...Unfortunately, she had a bad feeling that she was that so called feline...


"Curiousity killed the cat...But satisfaction brought him back"


Author's Note: Ever since I was little I've always had this sort of fascination for the supernatural, paranormal or anything else that was "out of the ordinary". It was the things in life that we never understood that would always capture our attention. Those little mysteries that we just could never seem to solve. Now, with the many influences around me, I've decided to gather my thoughts into this story. My heart and soul have been weaved into this piece and I hope you enjoy it  =]


In the midnight blue sky, there were no stars to brighten the depressing atmosphere of the night, nor clouds to shield them from view. The only source of light in the expansive darkness was the colossal golden full moon that illuminated the thick dense forest, giving it an eerie glow, adding an obviously haunting effect to the scenery. It just made the whole scene more ironic, as if something typical of a horror story, which was not at all a false conclusion to make, because all in all...It actually was...

Trees, trees and more trees, seemed to be the only things in her blurry view as a bespectacled, light haired brunette scurried through the dark, dense woods. The sound of leaves and twigs crunched under her feet and her long wavy hair flailed wildly behind her. Shadows, watchful eyes, untraceable noises and the random cries of creatures of the night were everywhere, surrounding her every move, as if trying to engulf her whole being.

Tears stung at her wide hazel eyes and obscured her already imperfect vision, as they fogged up the lenses of her lilac rimmed glasses. Her hair was in a state of disarray, with leaves tangled into the frizzy strands and her bangs stuck unto her sweaty forehead like glue. Her legs were just now beginning to ache from the continuous running, but her adrenaline rush would not fail her now.

She was soaking in sweat, her turquoise blue t-shirt was soiled, her baggy khaki cargo pants had rips and tears scattered randomly all over and she was sure that her brand new white Skechers were no longer white. Her eyes were wide with fear, her teeth were chattering in her mouth, her face was pale and her thoughts were currently the tornado raging madly in her head. Her heart felt like it was trapped in her throat, clamouring loudly and was like a time bomb that was about 10 seconds away from exploding.

She couldn't even think straight, let alone run in a straight line, her mind was too muddled for her to concentrate efficiently. The thought came out as jumbled signals. The panic was devouring her, gnawing at her insides like some ferocious beast trapped withing, trying to claw its way out. But alas, that was an understandable feeling, especially if you literally had the devil hot on your heels.

She was risking glances behind her every second, frantically searching for any sign of him, whilst trying to avoid tripping over a protruding root, an overturned trunk or getting whacked out by a low lying branch. She may not have been able to see him or hear him, but she just knew he was there...Waiting, like the predator she knew he was, planning his next move, she could feel it in every fibre of her being. Her gut feeling was screaming it.

Perched atop the tall trees, unnoticed by the world below him, a shadowy figure with hooded eyes watched his latest victim in amusement, a smirk planted firmly on his thin bloody lips. A thick fog rolled between the trees below, surrounding the shrubs with white mist. He watched keenly, seeing her stumble over a thick stray root, and then using her arms to brace herself before plummeting face forward towards the muddy earth. Her glasses were tossed from her face and discarded, now lost amongst the shrubbery forever, as she somersaulted further into the murky foggy darkness. He took this golden opportunity as his moment to pounce, like a hawk swooping down on its prey; he jumped from the tree top and disappeared into the abyss below.

Blinking in both shock and pain, she struggled to pull herself up from the muddy ground, blanching at the pain she now felt pulsating throughout her neck and limbs. Wincing, she looked down at the bruises and scratches on her palms, elbows and knees, since they were the only things her poor near sighted eyes could see clearly. Not to mention, her neck felt like a twig just waiting to snap at any given moment. Even though in her current state, she was more or less done for, she still wanted to try to escape the maze of trees she wouldn't give up just yet.

As far as she was concerned, she wasn't going to lose grip of that thin stand of hope that she still grasped on to, she wasn't dead...Well, not yet at least. But just as she was about to break into a run once more, the lady of misfortune shone her dreary lights upon her head. She somehow managed to crash into something tall and firm, that she knew for a fact was not there a minute ago and fell right back on her plump behind with a grunt of frustration.

The forest went dead silent. No sounds. No cries. No breathing. Nothing.

Taken aback, she shook her head to clear her thoughts, but as soon as she looked up, her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. The air around her became chillingly cold, like winter had come early. Her mouth went dry, even after she attempted to swallow. She couldn't even form a coherent sentence; the thoughts in her head just weren't forming. No, there were no thoughts to form. It was just that pure and raw emotion...F E A R...

From the looks of the legs that were now standing before her, it would be correct to assume that she had bumped into someone...or something. It was just her luck, that it wasn't just anybody, but her worst nightmare.

He. Was. Here. NOW!!!!

To say that she was paralyzed with more fear than she ever had in her life would be an understatement. She was shell shocked, not even a rocket taking off right beside her could phase her form. All that time she spent running away trying to avoid this fate, was automatically deemed pointless, since she was now a pathetic dear caught in the headlights.

She took in the black Chuck Taylor All Star Converse, dark designer denim jeans, the sharp one inced nails on his long slender fingers, the ash gray V-neck ti-shirt that hugged his lithe muscular build, the pale toned arms and neck, the sharp inch-long fangs protruding his mouth, where blood dribbled unto his chin; his straight almost pointed nose, his well defined facial muscles and lastly his messy jet black hair, that fell over his Those same crimson eyes that were currently glaring down at her fallen form.

She couldn't do or say anything; her mind was a blank page. The thoughts refused to form in her head. Her mind and body shut down. Regardless of this, it didn't take much common sense for her to realize that he wasn't any old normal human. That would be very obvious from the scene she had witnessed not too long ago...

No, he wasn't even close to being human. Appearances were not binding. Lies are just truths that have not come true as of yet. Personalities could be changed in an instant. What was he exactly?

He was...A vampire. A very pissed off and yet undeniably gorgeous vampire, whose meal was just interrupted by one nosey feline, petrified by fear.

So now, as revenge, he wanted her blood...and most likely her life as well...Whatever the conclusion was to this night of unexpected fright...As his lips curved into a smirk, she knew in the back of her mind that this encounter would not end well...


Soooooo...How was that for a preview?!! :D I know, I know, it probably seemed typical and blah blah blah T_T but the plot is quite intricate. Don't worry!!! Tell me your thoughts, I'd love to hear them!!! :)

suspense, genre: romance, title: moonlit darkness, mystery, humor, romance, fantasy, drama, author: aeries_amethyst, horror

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