Title: Twitfic 5/4/2011
Author: Aerilex
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel, Balthazar, Sam/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13, to be safe
Word Count: ~535
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me. This fiction is made for fan fun, not for profit.
Warnings: Know the angels? You're fine then.
Summary: Snippets I wrote to feel optimistic and fluffified, as per tiptoe39's encouragement. :D
A/N: Um. I'm trying to practice saying more with less anyway, so between that and trying to stay optimistic about 6x20, yeah. These were brought forth.
Dean wakes to the sound of rustling bedclothes and what could be feathers. The cold air at his back has him frowning sleepily. He rolls to look at Castiel. "War's over, Chief. Where ya running off to?"
Castiel's eyes are very blue and in them he sees not only the might of the angel but also the vulnerability of a lonely child. He recognizes that little kid, and doesn't like that he's living in Cas.
"I did not want to presume-"
"Shut up," Dean grunts, lifting the bedclothes. "Get the hell back in here. I'm cold."
Castiel smiles, drops the shirt he'd been holding onto, and crawls back into his place.
Dean slings an arm around his waist and buries his head in the hollow of his shoulder, muttering, "You're lucky you're hot."
Big Brother
"So." Balthazar casts a look at Castiel before staring at Gabriel. "Awkward."
Gabriel glares at them both. "You're lucky Dad sent me to clean up after you idiots. What the hell, Cas? I know I went pagan, but damn, demons?!" Before Castiel can open his mouth, Gabriel continues, "I've heard of desperate acts to get laid, but there are better ways to get a Winchester in bed!" He leers. "Trust me, I know."
Balthazar curses. "So that's why that soulless prick never responded to my come-on lines."
Sweeter Pleasures
Gabriel pouts at Sam. "Why not?"
"I'm not telling you again, Gabe, there is no way you're bringing your fucking candy into bed."
"But you like it hot and sticky!"
Sam blushes, and shoves Gabriel hard onto the bed. "I'll show you how I like it, you ass."
Never Alone
"I'm better off alone."
Though he's talking about his allies in Heaven, Dean doesn't like hearing Castiel say those words. They remind him of the brief stint in that fucked-up world where Sam had found a website with Cas-girls (and after the Sam-girls, the Dean-girls, and the friggin' slash-girls, he can go along with Cas-girls for a minute) saying that Castiel is "forever alone."
So he grabs Castiel roughly by the lapels, drags him in for a dirty, wet kiss.
"Never alone," he breathes into the angel's mouth as it opens beneath the pressure of his. "You've got me, Cas."
Feeling the angel slump and melt against him, Dean thinks Castiel might agree.
Let Me Do This
Castiel looks raggedly exhausted. Dean doesn't know how to fix it, but he knows what a good start might be.
He crowds into Castiel's personal space - not like the freaking angel has listened to any of his lessons on the concept, anyway - and snatches up fistfuls of trench coat.
"Stay still a minute," he commands roughly, and Castiel's eyes widen in assent while he stiffens into a statue. "And close your eyes," Dean adds, smirking in satisfaction when the angel does as he says.
He starts with a tender kiss to the angel's forehead, then each side of his brow. He presses butterfly kisses over his eyes, his cheeks, his nose, and when he reaches Cas' mouth he snakes his arms around the angel's waist.
"Tell me when you can. In the meantime, let me do this," he whispers.
"Dean," Castiel sighs quietly.
And yeah, that's all he really has to say.