Shuffle Part 2???

Apr 01, 2006 23:01

I returned today from the Apple store with a SECOND Ipod Shuffle. You see, I can't settle for just one attempt at something. It's a trend I've noticed in the more daunting tasks of my life. Take Chemistry and Statistics for example: The first time around, I failed both AP exams miserably. But this school year has presented me with an A in Chem ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

pippki April 2 2006, 04:57:49 UTC
Poor Old Shuffle. Did you find out what was wrong with it? My condolences.

And hello Mr. Crusader! My very best wishes and love! Wuvvy wuvvy wuuuv. ..Ahem.

Random class...I dunno...philosophy? Uh . . ... o____o German. Hah. No, I have no idea.

Feel better yo!


aeris9919 April 2 2006, 05:09:47 UTC
Well, I had originally taken Cain in to get checked out by their smart computer guys, but the guy behind the counter decided to save me some time and gave me a new one. He was nice. I wish to go back and give him cookies.


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