I wasn’t too fussed on last weeks episode... in fact, after a second viewing I really think it may just be my least favourite episode of SPN (tied with Swap Meat) , but this weeks episode was one I really enjoyed! So whilst I wait for my lemon cake to bake, I’m gonna give you all my list of muchly loved things in this episode;
+ First things first - the glampers! I loved how over the top they were, especially listening to the sounds of nature on an mp3 player, it was funny... until... you know... explosion of guts... which I thought was very cool too!
+ Sam getting his neeerd on! I missed the old days where Sam was the nerd powerbox and knew everything about everything and when he was schooling Bobby about the Jersey Devil in this ep, I was so in love with life <3
+ Dean giving up on the world. Oh Dean, baby. You so broken, I want to hug you ;A;
+ I love the ranger guy eating his sammich and wondering if he should file a missing persons report. First thought was leviathan, then he got eaten. Boo.
+ Hated the over the top douchebag waiter, wouldn’t have eaten anything he brought me. But his nicknames really did make me snort; Big Bird, Ken Doll and Creepy Uncle. Oh you!
+ “Do you want to look like a hostess” .......... WHAT?! No seriously Dean, what was THAT?! XD
+ About the burger. Rather creative I thought, disgusting, but creative. Though my first thought was “the burger is... people?!” but special sauce, I like it. Makes me paranoid about the Big Mac I ate yesterday though o.o
+ The woods scenes. Bobby teaching Sam and Dean everything they know about outdoor tracking? Aww! But at the same time, they keep mentioning how Bobby taught them all this stuff - how much did JOHN actually teach his boys things haha Oh and also... Bobby, your Bambi line just made me snort myself into a coma! Funny man, you!
+ The corpse autopsy. Cat Head guys, the cat head. It made me want to huggle my cat, which i did and he gave me the most WTF look a cat can give a person.
+ Dean, you freaking me out baby. He was creepy and funny in equal measures... actually, maybe a little more creepy if he’s getting hungry watching an autopsy... Also, “If I wasn’t so calm, I would puke right now *smile*” haha oh Dean! You! But the sleep scene was in no way sleepy at all, Jensen looked rather tense during that XD
+Sam and Bobby’s heart-to-heart and Dean and Bobby’s heart-to-heart. I was a little happier to see Sam and Bobby’s though, they don’t get that many moments together in comparison to Dean and Bobby. Bobby calling Sam a “deep son of a bitch” was just cute but Bobby’s “I’ve been to too many funerals” line to Dean was heartbreaking. There’s such a contrast between these two moments it’s rather sad.
+ Creepy surgeon guy. He was JUST getting interesting! And he ATE himself. He ATE HIMSELF!! I like the way he was the one who turned humans into cannibals but his ultimate fate was to eat himself. I liked that. In a really disturbing way.
+ Dick and Edgar. I like Dick better than Edgar but only marginally and I really hope he’s like the assistant manager to the real Big Bad Leviathan. Plus, "The Rise of Dick" (HAH!!) and bad photoshop is BAD! A load of those slideshow pics were so awfully photoshopped guys haha!
+ BOBBY NOOOO!!! How did I know that one single shot Dick got through the door would end up being a kill shot but seeing the bullet hole in Bobbys cap just killed me worse than if we saw Bobby just lying there! And all this after him saying to Dean not to die before him *cries*
I think I would’ve liked to have seen more camping times and scenes with the rabid people because the bits in the woods with those things were just awesome but the twist here was rather unexpected, if I do say so myself and we really needed another Leviathan mention here because it was too long.
But still, Holy dramatic cliffhanger Batman! And guys, *Little spoiler for next episodes promo!* the promo broke me. Especially when Dean was shoved out of the way by the nurse! Noo! But unfortunately we have to wait two weeks to find out. I dislike that greatly. D8