This is probably of little interest to those not playing in the Supers game, so cut away.
Excerpts from the journal of Shawn Smith
Dec 25th, 2000: Another Christmas at the orphanage. They try to make it nice, but it isn't the same. It isn't a family. They say next year someone might adopt me and I can have a family again, but they say that every year. I don't remember my dad. I'm not sure I had one. I always think about mom during the holidays. I sort of remember her and I gathered around a little Christmas tree, listening to Christmas music and putting out cookies for Santa. The man who rescued me from my house dropped off the Christmas gifts for everyone. He rescued a few of the others that are here that day. I'm not sure if he is a firefighter, police, or even one of those super people. He never wears a uniform and doesn't talk much. He looked sad. I'd like to do something to help people when I grow up.
April 5th, 2003: They're making me join a choir. They say I need something to do after school and it will be good for me. I don't mind it too much. I do like to sing and they say I have a good voice. I guess since they can't afford instruments or sports equipment, this is all that is left to push me into. I guess they don't want me joining a gang either but I wouldn't. Bunch of bullies and assholes. Tried to take my Transformer. Only thing I have left from before … assholes.
Nov 14th, 2004: The Thanksgiving concert at school was called off. There was an earthquake and everyone had to evacuate. Nothing collapsed, but the whole building shook. Strange, no one else talked about an earthquake except those at the school.
July 4th, 2005: I decided I'm not going to join the choir again next year. Too many weird things happen during practice and concerts. Especially if I have a solo… We went to see fireworks. It was nothing spectacular, but the younger kids enjoyed it. Seeing their faces light up did make me a little happier.
Jan 15th, 2006: Oh crap oh shit oh damn holy crap! I screamed at Mistress Alice and she fell backwards. She was bleeding from her ears. What the hell did I do to her?!?! I ran. I guess I remembered to grab my stuff before I did because I have it with me, but I ran. I don't know where I am now. Some park. Damndamndamn. Are the cops after me? Did I kill her? I don't know. I can't go back. Not now. Let the heat die down.
Jan 20th, 2006: I saw in a paper that Mistress Alice is doing okay. They think she was attacked. It doesn't look like they are looking for me. I guess she doesn't remember what happened. Hit her head when she fell back. It says something about hearing loss. Holy shit, I'm one of them. A mutant super whatever. I need to be careful.
Feb 14th, 2006: Valentines Day. I wonder what Genny is doing. We weren't that big of an item, but we did hang out a lot. I hope she's okay. I don't want to go back to the orphanage in case they are looking for me. I've been practicing. A little. I made some people nauseous while I stole some food. Maybe I should go to a library and see if there is anything about people like more. Or about sounds and stuff. Maybe if I know what sound waves can do, I can figure out what I can do. Soundwaves. Soundwave. I like that. Just like the Transformer. I wonder if I can get some silver and blue shirts.
August 9th, 2006: Man, sound can do some cool stuff. Disorient people, knock down things, disrupt electronics. Pretty cool for a wave of air.
Sept 11th, 2006: Totally Boost! I knocked all the leaves off of some bushes today. Sure, it's Fall, but awesome! I've gotten real good at affecting people too. I can usually distract them and manage to steal some food or just get away from some bangers. I haven't tried the powerful stuff against them yet. I don't want to hurt anyone again.
Oct 22nd, 2006: I got away with it! I grabbed two bags from an armored truck while they were transferring it. I did have to yell to knock a few people down at the end, but I didn't yell as loud as I could've. They should be alright. Glad I wore those goggles and the silver bandana. Hid my face, and it looks like Soundwave too. I'm going to send some of the money to the orphanage. Maybe they can have a good Thanksgiving and Christmas with it.
Oct 25th, 2006: Stupid stupid stupid stupid! Of course the orphanage is going to be suspicious of a big bag of cash being dropped off. I need to be more careful next time. Maybe I can spread it out over a couple months of donations and give to a few other places too. There was that shelter I lived at for a little while.
June 19th, 2007: Amy is awesome. She's helped direct me. And her body doesn't hurt either. I no longer steal from armored trucks or anything like that. That's too much like taking from everyone anyway. I want to help people. We've hit a few labs, freed some animals, taken from some of those rich assholes who get their money from hurting others. I still give most of it away. I don't need much, no matter what Amy says. And she can keep some of the jewelry anyway. I can't believe I knocked down that one guys house. I wonder if I could do something bigger...