The Kitfox is a nice little airplane, with STOL capability, but if I was going to spend the money, then I'm looking at the Van's Aircraft RV-8 taildragger. 200mph cruise at 75% power, and 180mph at 55% power, and after doing the "build your RV", was out the door for $70,000.
If you want something that size but don't want to build it yourself, get a Diamond DA20. Get the European variant because it has a much more interesting engine and is considerably cheaper to run. It has a small Mercedes-Benz based turbo-diesel tuned to run on Jet-A, is all computer controlled, you get in and it's as close to a flight simulator you can get. I was impressed at what they'd managed to cram into the thing. You just shove the power lever forwards and the engine management sorts the prop pitch and fuel injection. You just then point it where you want to go :D
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*giggles and runs*
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