I'm still holding off on Abigail on solid food. I'd like to wait until she's 6 months and Bill isn't pushing it too much. She doesn't quite have the pincer grasp yet...and I'm not positive about tongue thrust being gone. Sometimes I think it's still there...but maybe not
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Comments 9
Does Abigail have teeth yet? Sammy is teething and if she has no teeth then maybe I will try the biscuits.
Also, we gave Anna solids early (my mistake) but she didn't wean until 20 months. So maybe she'll stay a booby girl.
No she doesn't have any teeth yet. It tells you not to give them to a baby less than 10 months and that they need to be crawling and able to handles lumpy foods.... :-P But we did this with Benjamin and it's not like she's gonna eat it really. When he would break of a smallish piece then we would take it from him and give him the bigger piece back.
Benjamin started rice cereal around 5 months, but I know better this time.... ;)
Abigail is definitely interested and sitting up and things like that, but I still just want to hold off if I can. Or if I do offer not more than about once a week if that.
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