Our office is forever a sauna. It wouldn't be so hot in here, though, if people didn't talk to me. It doesn't matter if it's a man or woman, old or young, talking to people raises my body temp which, in this office at least, makes me sweat. That's why I always wear track jackets over my shirts. They have the easy on-off for transitioning from freezing outside to balmy indoors. I bought a new track jacket the other day. It's from the guys' department at Target and says "Espana" (with the tilde of course). I'm especially excited about it because it fits one of my cardinal rules of buying clothes-- I can only clothing with the name of a place on it if I have actually BEEN to that place. And it generally has to be a place that has some significance to me, although I sometimes bend that rule (i.e. with my California track jacket).
Yesterday I finished another book-- "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. It was really good. I'd put it on a list of one of my favorites. I have started reading more of Senor de Los Anillos. It's actually a very easy read (now that I have suffered through Spanish Lit) but I'm mainly reading it to get myself back in the Spanish swing of things by March. A little more than a month left for that. I still haven't read In Cold Blood. I should start that. I don't know what's holding me back from it, maybe just that murders aren't really my style. I'll like it though, so why not. I'm just lazy I guess.
Colleen and I are going to go eat as soon as she calls me. We are both in the D (I'm at work, she's in class) so when she gets done with that we are going downtown somewhere. Mmmm. Too bad I'm super tired from staying up late finishing my book. Not like it matters that much. I'm kind of supposed to go to the high school girls' indoor track meet at Michigan tonight but I'm not going to. I just don't feel like driving all the way there, especially being down here still. Whaaaatever. I'm nto that involved in track anway seeing as how I'll be leaving right when the season starts. I WILL go to indoor states though, but that's not for another couple of weeks.
Ohhh I lost my train of thought. I'm trying to do this stream of consciouness but sometimes things come up that I just can't write for everyone to read, just in case certain people are reading. Not that it's anything super secretive or bad (we all know that I'm incapable of anything even slightly dramatic), it's just that I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. That's probably confusing, but if you are one of the very few people that actually read this thing somewhat regularly, then it's nothing about you. Haha. Annnnnd that made me feel like I'm back in elementary school. I might just delete this whole paragraph before the night is through. In fact, I might just not even post this. We shall see.
Anyway, where to take my thoughts now.... I have been actually working out this week. It's amazing how much inspiration the Olympics give me. Am I the only one who is certain to watch nearly every bit of coverage there is?? I'm actually kind of freaking out right now because I'm not going to be home til after all the coverage starts and I don't want to miss anything. Maybe when I leave work I'll have my Dad tape it for me. That always involves a very long and complicated phone convo though. For some reasons my parents just SUCK at the DVR. By the way, I am in LOVE with our DVR. It's the best invention ever. On week nights I can tape two things at once, which I regularly do. How else can I see all of the Olympic coverage and not miss American Idol or Lost?? And the BEST part is that I start watching all of my programs late so that I can fast forward through all of the commercials. Amazing. Like I said, although I cannot attach myself to physical human beings (like a normal person) I have no problem attaching myself to the huge TV in my living room. LOVE it.
OHHH that was Colleen it's dinner time. I think this is the first time EVER (no joke) that I have submitted an entry without reading over it at all. YIKES. I don't know why that scares me. Maybe because in a couple ways I'm a control freak (JUST a couple though). Anyway, back on track. Time to eat.