Wow. I was being a little drama queen with my last entry about the consulate. If you've checked my AIM profile then you've probably noticed that everything worked out and I will be going to Chi-town to complete my visa on Tues the 14th. Unfortunately it has to be in the middle of the week like a loser, so we will only stay there for the day. My Dad says he's going to check on flights to Chicago, which made me laugh because who flies to Chicago?? Hopefully I do.
Yesterday I took the day off work to clean my room. Now you all might be thinking that it was quite unnecessary of me to take THAT much time, but I assure you I used it all. I may not clean often, but when I do I clean EVERYTHING. By the end of the day I filled 5 of those black trash bags with trash and 3 with old clothes to give away. It's a huge relief to get it all done, it will help a LOT when it comes to packing for Chile. My main disappointment, though, is that I didn't find my running watch. Now I officially have NO idea where it is. Good thing I won't need it for awhile.
I made myself a realistic goal for Lent this year. Most of you who know me are probably wondering why I care about Lent, but I assure you my intrests in it are mainly selfish. When I was at SC, for example, I gave up pop because I knew it would be good for me. Fortunately it worked wonderfully and I now find all kinds of pop utterly disappointing. Last year I was lazy and couldn't think of anything good. This year my goal is to excercise at least 6 days a week. I was going to do seven but then I realized that there are going to be at least 3 days in the next few weeks where I will be traveling ALL day. I guess for me Lent is more like a New Year's Resolution, except Lent is more attainable because it's only 40 days as opposed to 365.
Today on the radio they were talking about some places, elementary and middle schools I think, where they are splitting up boys and girls and teaching them in separate classrooms as separate groups. My initWhile I can see the logic behind that, I think it's not at all a good idea.
(Those dots represent a 5 hour break)
So I'm back again. One of important people just caught me doodling at the desk, not that it's a huge deal, except that I happened to be coloring in the work "suck" which I had written in big bubble letters. Sometimes I just have to express myself after annoying phone calls. Oh well, I think I managed to cover it up in time.
Ohhh man. I have read Lost message boards for the past hour or so. It's so addicting, especially when I'm stuck in front of a computer anyway. I have decided that half the people are dumb, though. NO Ethan is not in love with Claire. Nor has he lost any of his creepiness, if anything it's grown exponentially. And BY GOD he is NOT hot. Ew. And I now officially hate that Henry Gale. I don't know how anyone can doubt that he is an Other, especially Locke. JESUS (said the Spanish way).
I'm about to go home and get my spring break started (although I'm not really breaking from much, just monotony I guess). Tonight my padres are taking my sister and I to dinner in Canada and then tomorrow Sarah and I are leaving bright and early for Myrtle Beach. Unfortunately it looks like we have hit a bit of a cold week there, temps only in the 60s, but we will survive. As long as it's warmer and I don't need by stupid puffy red jacket.
For some reason my foot hurts quite a bit today. I'm disappointed because I actually felt like I was making progress over the past few days. I have become an avid biker, it's actually not as annoying as I thought it would be. I just hope that my foot hasn't decided that it doesn't like biking either. If that's the case then I'm pretty much spent for physical activities. My dedos are hardcore crossed. I just keep telling myself, "it'll be fine, the pain is all in your head." That mentality hasn't quite worked out yet, but it will.
One of my favorite things in the world is that foreign speakers think the plural form of "equipment" is "equipments." Even Roxanna said that sometimes and she has been here forever.